Bas C. van Fraassen

Curriculum Vitae

McCosh Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, Princeton University
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University

Contact via ResearchGate

Bas C. van Fraassen

I am a philosopher, and have been preoccupied with two philosophical questions, one about philosophy itself, and one about science, "What Is Empiricism, and What Could It Be?" and "What is Scientific Representation?" I've offered an answer to the first in my The Empirical Stance (2002), and tackled the second in Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective (2008). Most of my work as a philosopher has been in philosophy of science and in philosophical logic, but with occasional forays into philosophy of literature and the connections between art, literature, and religion. Like most philosophers (I think) I began with the ambition to arrive at a coherent view of everything -- some day, within my lifetime -- and I am still cherishing that idea ...

Personal and Academic History

I was born in Goes, the Netherlands, 5 April 1941, and emigrated with my family to Canada in the summer of 1956. I attended the University of Alberta (B.A. (hon.), Philosophy, 1963), and the University of Pittsburgh (M.A. 1964; Ph.D., Philosophy, 1966).

I've taught at Yale University, the University of Toronto, the University of Southern California, and Princeton University (since 1982). In the summer of 2008 I retired from Princeton and taught in the Philosophy Department at San Francisco State University for eight years. There I taught joint seminars in philosophy of science with Isabelle Peschard; we collaborated in three workshops that led to the book The Experimental Side of Modeling.

I have been editor of the Journal of Philosophical Logic and co-editor of the Journal of Symbolic Logic, and active in the American Philosophical Association, the Philosophy of Science Association, Society for Exact Philosophy, Evert Willem Beth Stichting, Association for Symbolic Logic, and the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science.
D. Lett (hon), University of Lethbridge; LL. D. (hon), University of Notre Dame; Ph.D. (hon), Kath. Univ. Leuven.
Foreign Member of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences); Titular Member of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences; Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

My Erdös number is 3 (Paul Erdös-Nathan Linial-Joseph Y. Halpern).

Here is my CV.

Stories and Such

For my few non-academic publications, and for other interests (cats, rock climbing), see Personal.

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