The Civilization of the Renaissance
1350 - 1650

This site developed for the Residential Seminar for Teachers sponsored by the New Jersey Council for the Humanities
24 July 1997
Day four at Princeton University Library

Steve Ferguson


World Wide Web resources for the Renaissance

There is no omnibus site. There are sites by individual scholars (courses, compendia of materials), academic departments (NYU), scholarly societies (Renaissance Society of America), digital projects (JSTOR), museums and libraries (exhibitions, reference outreach). Some sites favor text, other pictures; some favor literary studies, other historical studies; some are topic oriented (history of science), others nationally oriented.

Near Omnibus

Other General

Mike Lee's The Renaissance

Websites of interest to Renaissance scholars

Medieval & Renaissance Resources

University of Pennsylvania. Center for Electronic Text and Image. Renaissance Projects.



Sixteenth Century Renaissance English Literature (1485-1603)

English literature -- Renaissance and 17th Cent


The Art of Renaissance Science:

Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe

History of the Book


Paper, Leather, Clay & Stone: The Written Word Materialized


Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library &
Renaissance Culture


A hundred highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek


Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629)


Professor Hurlbut's DScriptorium


Professor Knox


An Electronic Journal of Early-Modern Literary and Historical Studies

Renaissance Society of America

Renaissance Quarterly



Site for the enthusiast of the Renaissance Faire

John White's drawings -- the basis for the engravings in Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598. [America. pars 1] Admiranda narratio, fida tamen, de commodis et incolarvm ritibvs Virginiae (Frankfurt, 1590).

Special Collections and the WWW

Steve Ferguson   November, 1996

Search the WWW   |  Libraries, Archives, and Manuscripts   and General   | Pictures, photographs, imagesPrinceton   |  History of the Book  |  Special Topics: Conservation, Security, etc   | Professional Groups | Scholarly   | Personal  |  WWW

Search the WWW

Alta Vista: Main Page Product of Digital. Word, phrase, image, person searches. Intuitive. Over 30 million pages indexed.
HotBot: Product of Wired. Word, phrase,  image, person searches. Over 50 million pages indexed.
Yahoo Structured, classified.


"Just the Answers Please" Choosing a Web Search Service. The author begins "I'm a no nonsense searcher..." Includes search engine feature chart.

Good general introduction to the Internet is The Inter-net : how to get connected and explore the World Wide Web, exchange news and e-mail, download software, and communicate on-line [editors, Anna Milner, Terry Burrows ; text contributors, Brian Cooper ... [et al.] -- 1st American ed. -- London ; New York, N.Y. : DK Publishing, 1996. . ISBN 0789412888


General as well as Libraries, Archives and Manuscripts

Repositories of Primary Sources Provides hyperlinks to over 1,200 websites describing holdings of   manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other sources.  Actively maintained. Geographically arranged.
Special Collections Resources on the Web Also actively maintained. Well organized.
Archival Resources on the Internet Attractively designed, efficient.
Archival and Conservation Resources Maintained by C.L. Mundale. Grad student project Spring 1995 and still updated.
List provided by a colleague at Columbia

Ton Cremers and Marian Beereboom BOOKS  Covers a wide variety of cognate fields,
over 1k links, updated almost daily

Pictures, photographs, images

Library of Congress
HRHRC at Univ Texas


Rare Books and Special Collections Department  Main page being a subsection of the Library's Web site
Princeton Univ Library - Guide to Selected Special Collections  Web version of the 140 page
Guide together with an index done using frames

History of the Book

A Guide to the Book Arts and Book History on the World Wide Web Maintained by
Andrew Pace at Catholic University, Washington From the RBMS Web site
Internet Resources for the Study of Communications Provided by Princeton's Paul Starr for Sociology 344.
Print, Literacy and Power: To 1900 Syllabus of  M. Duggan, professor at Berkeley. Typical of the many such like findable using the term "print culture."
Cultures of the Book: Bibliography  The common theme of this bibliography [by Prof. James O'Donnell of the Univ of Penn] is the technological adaptation of the written word from antiquity to the present and the interplay between intellectual, cultural, and social change that enacts itself around the written word

Watermark Archive  Incorporating the The University of Delaware Library Thomas L.Gravell Watermark Collection Provided by the Center for Textual & Editorial Studies and the Scholarly Communications Project at Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)
Digital Watermark & Ornament Catalogue  Focused on the work of William Stansby, printer of the folio edition of Ben Jonson's Works

Emblem Books
University of Glasgow : Emblems Website

Special Topics

Stolen Book Registry Maintained by Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America. See also the theft list of the RBMS Security Committee

Conservation OnLine. Walter Henry's unparalleled efforts on behalf of the collections conservation community and it's adherents. Note listserv archives: Exlibris, Book Arts-L, et al,

Exhibits Library Exhibits around the World

Professional Groups

RBMS ETECH experimental homepage -- SF. Maintained here at Princeton.
Society of American Archivists. Maintained at the Univ. of Texas.
Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America


The Scholar's Net compiled by Jon Edwards, deputy to Princeton's Vice President for
Computing and Information Technology.

Index of Resources for History is maintained jointly by the Department of History of the University of Kansasand the Lehrstuhl für Ältere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft der Universität Regensburg,and is managed by Eric Marzo of Regensburg and Lynn H. Nelson of Kansas. Index consists of a single large file (approximately 185 Kb) offering over 1700 connections arranged alphabetically by subject and name.

Using the Web for Scholarly Purposes:


Some examples of the generous volunteerism that typifies the scholarly content of the WWW
Daniel Traister's Home Page
PG Books Links Page
Peter Kilpe's page


HTML Writer Home Page
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
Web Resources and Services
Web-Counter Creation Page

Netscape Communicatior's Composer  Free. WYSIWYG editor for HTML mark-up.

Web Style Manual from Yale