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Ferenc Juhasz

In a small town of Eastern Hungary, alone in his elementary school classroom where his parents must leave him as they head each morning for work, a young boy discovers a piano while waiting for the school day to begin. Morning after early morning he returns to what becomes his ocean of sounds, plunking down keys separately and together, playing and experimenting with the different and interesting sounds he can create and listen to. At home he listens to any music he can find and it is the music of Louis Armstrong that convinces him that he too would like to be a trumpeter. By age nine he is old enough to take music lessons at his elementary school but by the time he has convinced his family that he should be allowed to sign up for them, all of the trumpets are gone. In fact, all that is left is a clarinet which the school's trumpet teacher, Béla Bárány, offers to teach him to play. And so it is that this boy learns classical clarinet from a trumpet teacher and plays hours at a time, exploring, exploring the world through what he understands best: sound.

This is the beginning of Ferenc Juhasz's music career which has since spanned both classical (clarinet) and jazz (saxophone) training, and performances in musical styles 
ranging from Viennese classicism to graduate level master classes in Bee-Bop and American Swing,...to tours with the legendary Gunter Hampel in his band, Next Generation, to forming his own band Descafenado...to founding the jazz quintet Erixier, performing the music of Erik Satie ala jazz-slash-Eastern-European-music-flavor, and, now, teaching, recording, and composing in the greater New York area, where he lives with his wife, their child, and their two cats.

Aside from variety, his main musical interest is to focus on the human elements he believes to be inherent to music itself: human contact, communication, and connection. In as such, he tries to steer clear of highly stylized approaches, or imposing academic credos toward his own or other's music, which he believes limits what ultimately can be. 




Nevertheless, when asked what kind of music he would like to make, he will still quote Louis Armstrong's statement that there are two kinds of music "good" and "bad" and that Mr. Juhasz is aiming to make the "good" music, the kind a person will unknowingly tap his feet to, or be moved by, or perhaps even feel some form of inspiration from. For Mr. Juhasz, music is a way of life and learning. Constantly experimenting with sound, he has in recent years become interested in the crossover between music and technology - computer music, electronica, and recording techniques. Even more recently, he has begun to intermingle his interests in exciting new discoveries in string theory and environmental science to, you guessed it, music. This open ended interest in variety and connection of various disciplines is reflected by the music he can often be found listening to: African tribal and drumming music, Indian ragas, world music of Ghana, Thailand, Alaskan music, Native American, European Classical, and American Jazz, sounds inspired by nature such as whale song, animal calls, ocean waves, the wind in the leaves of trees, the heart beat of a yet unborn baby...The list is varied and always changing but one things is certain: if you want to find Mr. Juhasz, listen for the sounds... 



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