Department Roster: Fall 1996/Spring 1997
Department FAX: (609) 258-1607
Aarsleff, Hans (609) 258-4074
Ph.D. Minnesota '60.History of the study of language, history of ideas, medieval. From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the
Study of Language and Intellectual History; The Study of Language in England 1780-1860; contributor, Dictionary of
Scientific Biography.
Arnold, Oliver (609) 258-4078
Ph.D. UC-Berkeley '94. Renaissance, Shakespeare, new historicism, theories and practices of political representation. Essays
on Shakespeare and historicism and ideology. Currently working on Shakespeare and early modern political representation.
Cadava, Eduardo (609) 258-4091
Ph.D. UC-Irvine, '88. American literature, literary theory. Translations of Derrida, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Blanchot. Coeditor
of Derrida's Memoires: for Paul de Man, and Who Comes after the Subject? Currently finishing a manuscript on the politics of
Emerson's meteorological reflections entitled Emerson and the Climates of American History and a study of Benjamin's
concept of history entitled Words of Light: Theses on the Photography of History.
Cadden, Michael (609) 258-4659
D.F.A. Yale School of Drama '79. Modern and Contemporary drama, Shakespeare, dramaturgy, gay studies. Editor,
Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism; The Body Theatrical: Essays on the Contemporary Stage.
Currently working on contemporary political theater: South African, feminist and plays about AIDS. Director of Princeton's
Program in Theater and Dance.
Crain, Patricia
Danson, Lawrence (609) 258-4342
Ph.D. Yale '69. Shakespeare, drama, late 19th-early 20th century literature. Tragic Alphabet: Shakespeare's Drama of
Language; The Harmonies of the Merchant of Venice; ed. On "King Lear"; Max Beerbohm and the Act of Writing; co-ed.,
Middleton, The Phoenix; Wilde's Intentions; The Artist in his Criticism (1997). Currently putting Lit 131 on-line, and writing
Shakespeare and The Kinds of Drama. ( O.U.P)
Dent, Gina (609) 258-4058
M. Phil. Columbia '93. African diasporic literary and cultural studies, feminist theory, popular culture. Ed. Black Popular
Culture. Working on the role of social science in 20th century African diasporic literature and literary theory.
DiBattista, Maria (609) 258-4081
Ph.D. Yale '73. Modern literature, narrative theory, film. Virginia Woolf's Major Novels: The Fables of Anon; First Love: The
Affections of Modern Fiction High and Low Moderns, ed.. Currently working on women and film comedy, and a study of
novels of sentimental education.
Donald, Adrienne (609) 258-1606
Ph.D. Yale '90. 17th through 19th-century British literature and culture, Romanticism, literary theory. Currently working on
Wordsworth and the relation of philosophy and poetry in Britain.
Fleming, John (609) 258-3628
Ph.D. Princeton '63. Medieval. The Roman de la Rose: A Study in Allegory and Iconography; An Introduction to the
Franciscan Literature of the Middle Ages; From Bonaventure to Bellini: An Essay in Franciscan Exegesis; Reason and the
Lover; Classical Imitation and Interpretation in Chaucer's "Troilus"; 1492: A Continuing Voyage. Currently working on
Columbus and Ovid.
Flesch, William
Fowler, Claire
Fuss, Diana (609) 258-4063 On Leave AY96-97
Ph.D. Brown '88. Feminist theory, psychoanalysis, American women's literature, history of sexuality. Identification Papers;
Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference; ed. Inside/Out; ed. Human, All Too Human.
Gleason, William (609) 258-4056
Ph.D. UCLA '93. 19th and 20th-century American literature, American cultural studies, popular culture. Essays on Thoreau,
Chesnutt, Pynchon, Erdrich, Charles Johnson. Currently working on labor, leisure, and self-production in turn-of-the-century
American literature and culture.
Goldman, Michael (609) 258-4090 On Leave AY96-97
Ph.D. Princeton '62. Drama and dramatic theory, Shakespeare, modern poetry. Shakespeare and the Energies of Drama; The
Actor's Freedom: Toward a Theory of Drama; At the Edge (poems); Acting and Action in Shakespearean Tragedy. Currently
working on modern drama, particularly Ibsen.
Harries, Martin (609) 258-4085
Ph.D. Yale 95. Modern drama, dramatic theory, the Frankfurt School and cultural criticism, Shakespeare and Renaissance
drama. Working on "Scare Quotes and Reenchantment: Shakespeare, Marx, and Keynes," a study of modern appropriations
of the supernatural in Shakespeare. Forthcoming, circulating, and percolating articles on Marx; Othello; and fascist theatricality
and interpretation.
Howarth, William (609) 258-5162
Ph.D. Virginia '67. American literature, environmental history, ecocriticism. Nature in American Life; The Book of Concord;
Thoreau in the Mountains; The John McPhee Reader; Traveling the Trans-Canada; Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada;
essays for many journals. Working on the ecology of new media and on American enviromental literature.
Johnson, Claudia (609) 258-4075
Ph.D. Princeton '81. 18th and 19th-century British literature; history of the novel and novel studies, 18th-19th century music,
gender studies. Jane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel; Equivocal Beings: Politics, Gender, and
Sentimentality--Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen. Currently working on late 18th century British fiction.
Keenan, Thomas (609) 258-4077
Ph.D. Yale '90. Literary theory, ethics and literature, media studies. Fables of Responsibility; Co-ed. Responses and Paul de
Man, Wartime Journalism. Currently working on studies of literature and democracy, and of mass media and humanitarianism.
Knoepflmacher, Ulrich (609) 258-4070
Ph.D. Princeton '61. Romantic and Victorian literature; children's literature. Religious Humanism and the Victorian Novel;
George Eliot's Early Novels; Laughter and Despair; Wuthering Heights: A Study; coed. Nature and the Victorian Imagination;
The Endurance of 'Frankenstein'; Forbidden Journeys: Fairy Tales and Fantasies by Victorian Women Writers. Working on
Victorian children's literature, and on a study of Wordsworth's relation to later 19th century writers.
Lamb, Jonathan (609) 258-4082
D. Phil. York '71. 18th-century British literature and culture; travel-writing and journals of exploration; aesthetics; literary
theory, The Rhetoric of Suffering: Reading The Book of Job in the Eighteenth Century; Sterne's Fiction and the Double
Principle, editor of a forthcoming volume of Eighteenth-century Life devoted to the British in the South Pacific 1700-1780.
Mao, Douglas (609) 258-4094
Ph.D. Yale '93. Late 19th and 20th-century poetry and fiction; literary theory; philosophy and literature; gender studies.
Essays on Stevens, the New Critics, and Fredrick Jameson. Currently working on objects and production in Woolf,
Wyndham Lewis, Pound, and Stevens.
Miner, Earl (609) 258-4087
Ph.D. Minnesota '55. 17th-century English literature; comparative poetics; Japanese literature and poetics. The Metaphysical
Mode from Donne to Cowley; The Cavalier Mode from Jonson to Cotton; The Restoration Mode from Milton to Dryden;
Japanese Linked Poetry; Comparative Poetics. Has completed a comparative study of literary naming and is currently
working on the theory and practice of literary history as well as Milton's practice of allusion.
Mitchell, Lee (609) 258-4076
Ph.D. Washington '75. American literature, popular culture, intellectual history. Witness to a Vanishing America; Determined
Fictions: American Literary Natralism; The photograph and the American Indian; Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and
Film. Edited books by Twain, Dreiser, Grey, and on Stephen Crane. Currently working on two projects: Henry James and
knowledge; and the "ethics of reading" in American literature.
Nord, Deborah (609) 258-5193
Ph.D. Columbia '80. Victorian literature and history; feminist criticism and Women's Studies. The Apprenticeship of Beatrice
Webb and Walking the Streets: Women, Representation, and The Victorian City; articles on autobiography, women's writing,
the 19th century city, Victorian fiction. Currently working on the figure of the gypsy in 19th century fiction, poetry, and culture.
Nunokawa, Jeff (609) 258-4058
Director of Undergraduate Studies Ph.D. Cornell '89. Victorian literature, history of sexuality; social theory. The Afterlife of
Property: Domestic Security in the Victorian Novel. Currently working on a book about dissident desire and boredom in 19th
century literature.
Quinney, Laura (609) 258-4071
Ph.D. Cornell '87. 18th and 19th-century British- literature, philosophy and literature. Literary Power and the Criteria of Truth
(on tragic sense in Johnson, Shelley, and Wittgenstein). Currently working on representations of disappointment in Romantic
and Post-Romantic literature and philosophy.
Rampersad, Arnold (609) 258-4068
Ph.D. Harvard '73. American and African-American literature, biography and autobiography. Melville's Israel Potter: A
Pilgrimage and Progress; The Art and Imagination of W.E.B. Du Bois; The Life of Langston Hughes (2 volumes), coed.,
Slavery and the Literary Imagination; ed., Richard Wright: Works; with Arthur Ashe, Days of Grace: A Memoir; ed.
Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. At work on a study of African-American biography.
Richardson, James (609) 258-3775
Ph.D. Virginia '75. 19th and 20th-century poetry, creative writing. Thomas Hardy: The Poetry of Necessity; Vanishing Lives:
Style and Self in Tennyson, D.G. Rossetti, Swinburne and Yeats; Poetry: Reservations; Second Guesses; As If. Recent work
on Philip Larkin, Elizabeth Bishop, James Merrill, "dead lady poems." In progress: Vectors: Aphorisms, and essay on the
analogies between dreaming and reading, and a sequel to Lucretius. New poems and aphorisms in Paris Review, Yale
Review, New Criterion, Ontario Review.
Roche, Thomas (609) 258-4062
Ph.D. Princeton '58. Renaissance. The Kindly flame: A Study of Spenser's The Faerie Queene; Petrarch and the English
Sonnet Sequences; The Faerie Queen (Penguin); ed. Essays by Rosemond Tuve. Currently working on an iconographical
study of the Muses and on a history of the Department of English.
Sandberg, Robert
Schor, Esther (609) 258-4080
Director of Graduate Studies Ph.D. Yale '85. British Romanticism, poetry, theory and criticism. The British Culture of
Mourning from the Enlightenment to Victoria. Co-editor, The Other Mary Shelley: Beyond "Frankenstein"; Women's Voices:
Visions and Perspectives. Currently working on 19th-century Anglo-Italian literary relations; Romantic historicism.
Showalter, Elaine (609) 258-4072
Ph.D. UC-Davis '70. Victorian and American fiction; feminist criticism, literature and psycho-analysis. A Literature of Their
Own: British Women, Novelists from Brontë to Lessing; The Female Malady: Women Madness, and Society 1830-1980;
Sexual Anarchy; Sister's Choice: Tradition and Change in American Women's Writing; ed The New Feminist Criticism;
Speaking of Gender; Hysteria Beyond Freud; Daughters of Decadence. Currently working on hysteria and culture, and on the
1890s in England and Europe.
Wolfson, Susan (609) 258-4073
Director of Job Placement Ph.D. UC-Berkeley '78. British literature 1780-1830; poetry, poetic theory, gender and feminist
criticism, Shakespeare. The Questioning Presence: Wordsworth, Keats and the Interrogative Mode in Romantic Poetry;
Formal Charges: The Shaping of Poetry in British Romanticism; and forthcoming, Figures on the Margin: The Language of
Gender in British Tomanticism. Co-edited editions: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Lord Byron: Selected poems; and forthcoming:
Selected Poetry of Walter Scott; Writings of Felicia Hemans. "The Tomantics and their Contemporaries" (960-pp) for
Longman's Anthology of British Literature.
Wood, Michael (609) 258-6288
Ph.D. Cambridge '62. Theory of the novel, modern and contemporary fiction, film, literary theory. Stendhal; America in the
Movies; Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude; The Magician's Doubts: Nabokov and the Risks of Fiction; many
reviews and essays for literary journals. Working on studies of Buñuel, Kafka, Barthes, and Proust.