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The primary command ASSEMBLE is used to assemble a model from component parts. FEMVIEW can then be used to display results on the assembled model.
Transformations can be associated with a model and applied to it in the assembly operation.
The assembled model contains pointers to the constituent models, and if one of these models is deleted the assembled structure cannot be accessed.
The command ASSEMBLE is available when the model index is displayed, and is used when models are to be combined into an assembly. A specified transformation (or number of transformations) is applied to each model in order to define its position in the assembly. Once the command ASSEMBLE has been issued, a question and answer sequence is initiated asking for the name of each model and the transformations to be applied to position it within the assembly.
Note that the transformations must have been previously input as data, ref Appendix B of the User Manual Appendices and are referenced in the ASSEMBLE command according to the transformation number specified in the input data.
The transformations to be applied may be requested as follows:
Transformations | Comments | |
n1 n2 n3 ... | Transformations will be applied in the order specified. | |
n1 TO n2 | Transformations will be applied in the order specified. | |
ALL | All transformations stored for the model will be applied | |
in the order that they were input. | ||
NONE | No transformations are applied. |
Input may be terminated by the keyword `GO' if input is satisfactory or by `/' if the input is incorrect.
Once `GO' has been used to terminate input, the model assembly name will feature in the model index and may be selected for post-processing as if it were a conventional model by issuing the command FEMVIEW.
In general all FEMVIEW commands and their options can be applied to assemblies except for certain of those which need explicit element or node number definitions. This restriction is imposed since the numbering of nodes and elements may not be unique for assembled models.
Femsys Limited