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Entities such as bodies and constraints are identified in FEMGEN by names which may be given be the user or created by FEMGEN.
When creating new entities FEMGV will prompt (optionally in most cases) for a name for the entity. The menu items requiring a new name to be input are:
body-n - new name for a body surf-n - new name for a surface line-n - new name for a line point-n - new name for a point set-n - new name for a set shape-n - new name for a shape constr-n - new name for a constraint load-n - new name for a load mat-n - new name for a material phys-n - new name for a physical property syst-n - new name for a coordinate system transf-n - new name for a transform model - name of a model file - name of a file
Names may be up to eight characters long and must begin with a letter.
Where the name is optional and a name is not given FEMGEN will assign a default name to the entity. The naming convention used is described in 2.3.5.
If the name given already exists FEMGEN will assume that the existing entity is to be changed. Before the change is made confirmation is required to avoid accidental changes.
When FEMGEN needs to identify an existing entity its name will be prompted for. The menu items requiring an existing name to be input are:
body-o - name of an existing body surf-o - name of an existing surface line-o - name of an existing line point-o - name of an existing point set-o - name of an existing set shape-o - name of an existing shape constr-o - name of an existing constraint load-o - name of an existing load mat-o - name of an existing material phys-o - name of an existing physical property syst-o - name of an existing coordinate system transf-o - name of an existing transform model - name of a model file - name of a file
Femsys Limited