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4.4.2 Files created by FEMGV

modelname.g61 (binary)

The .g61 file is a binary file containing all the information about the FEMGEN model. The model name can be up to six characters long.

modelname.v61 (binary)

The modelname.v61 file is a binary file containing all the information about the FEMVIEW model (co-ordinates, topology and results). The model name can be up to six characters long.

modelname.m61 (binary)

The .m61 file contains additional information about the FEMVIEW model. If there is a modelname.v61 file then there must also be a modelname.m61 file.

modelname.his (ascii)

The history file is a complete record of all the commands issued by the user for all the FEMGV sessions relating to the specific model. It provides a useful backup process and is also a very powerful support tool.

fgvlog.log (ascii)

The log file is the record of the current session with FEMGV. It can include details of working sessions relating to several different models.

modelname.dmp (binary)

Occasionally a set of circumstances may occur where FEMGEN has detected that it is unable to proceed with the current operation. In this case a dump file called MODELNAME.DMP is created containing a copy of the current state of the FEMGEN database. The program will then stop and give a diagnostic message. The MODELNAME.DMP file can usually be used to recover the work session without loss of data. See the section on recovering from a crash in the FEMGV Release Notes.

fgvplt.dat (ascii)

The plotfile contains information for plotting and is created by the DRAWING SAVE PLOTFILE command. Plotter formats are controlled with UTIL SETUP PLOTTER FORMAT. The user can give a specific name for the file otherwise the default name of FGVPLT.DAT is used.

modelname.anl (ascii)

This is the default name for files created in FEMGEN with the following commands (the user can

specify a filename to avoid confusion):-


The archive file contains a full set of FEMGEN commands necessary to recreate the current model.


The neutral file contains information about the finite element mesh created from the current model and is in the format described in Appendix A of the FEMGV User Manual.


FEMVIEW files contain finite element information as in Appendix B of the FEMGV User Manual. They can be read in to FEMVIEW.

UTILITY WRITE 'f.e. prog'

This command creates an input file for a specific finite element package using the interfacing software that is part of FEMGV.

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