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Software problems

If problems are encountered with FEMGV 6 then users should report the details to their software supplier along with information on the hardware platform, operating system, and the version number of FEMGV 6. When supporting files are sent then these should include the History or Log files and the 'modelname.G61' file. For post processing problems either the 'modelname.fvi' file or the modelname.V61' and the 'modelname.M61' files should be sent.

In order that reported problems can be dealt with efficiently, please complete a Problem Report Form and send this by fax or post (or alternatively send all the details by email).

A considerable amount of effort has been invested in FEMGV6. Femsys Ltd. are continuously developing and improving their software; any suggestions and requests for additional functionality are always welcomed, considered carefully and added to the ongoing wish list.

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