The ABAQUS translator
The FEMGEN to ABAQUS interface
has been updated. This includes updates for ABAQUS 5.8 features and various bug fixes
and developments following users requests, as follows:
- Added following elements:-
New Frame elements (BE2s: FRAME2D,FRAME3D)
New axisymmetric coupled temperature-displacement elements with twist (CGAX*)
New distributing coupling elements (P-ELs: DCOUP2D,DCOUP3D)
Rigid beams (RB2D2,RB3D2; and RAX2)
Generalised plane strain elements (CGPE*)
- Allow for model titles up to 240 characters.
- Corrected wrong face ID mapping for tet elements, given in contact surface
- Set names created for elemental loads now have 9 characters. (These are based
on part names and thus 8 character part names are not truncated).
- Process physical properties for rigid elements, frame elements.
- Process kinematic coupling constraint from PROPERTY BOUNDERY MPC RBEAM.
- Process generalised plane strain elements and boundary conditions (including
PRESCRIBED and LOAD DISPLACE) applied to their extra nodes.
- Allow for the Lanczos eigensolver in *BUCKLE and *FREQUENCY.
- Increased precision when outputting initial temperature data.
- Increased precision when outputting local co-ordinate systems.
- Parameter MONOTONIC in *STEP is now replaced by EXTRAPOLATION.
- Default static and dynamic output requests take into account frame elements.
- Use edge loading data for elemental loads in PreAbaqus. Take into account any
additional part given in the elemental load.
- Support of beam orientation via a FG point.
- Increased limit in the number of contact surfaces from 200 to 1000.
- Re-define the element face if the surface was flipped.
- Added a comma to the contact node set definition.
- Make sure all the constraints are checked.
The FEMGEN to ABAQUS version number is 4.401.