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Prescribed values for boundary data can be entered by using the following FEMGEN command:
PROPERTY BOUNDARY PRESCRIBE [name] part_name/ALL idof arg [loadcase_no]
Argument Meaning name Optional name identifier (for reference purposes).
part_name/ALL Any geometry containing nodes.
idof Degree of freedom to which the prescribed value applies.
arg Prescribed value.
loadcase_no Optional FEMGEN loadcase No. (ABAQUS step), default is all loadcases.
The command has the same effect as the 'PROPERTY LOAD DISPLACE' command but is much more general in that any degree of freedom may be referenced. The degree of freedom names are listed in table below. Further information on how to modify these defaults may be found in the FEMGV Users Manual.
The Interface Program produces a node set for each prescribed boundary definition and then defines and attaches the prescribed boundary to the node set using a '*BOUNDARY' card.
Example FEMGEN Command:
Corresponding ABAQUS Input Deck:
** ********************** ** PRESCRIBED VALUES * ********************** ** *NSET, NSET=CO1 22 43 44 45 1 23 46 47 48 2 24 49 50 51 3 52 53 54 55 31 56 57 58 10 59 60 61 62 32 63 64 65 11 66 67 68 69 *BOUNDARY CO1 , 2, 2, 30.0000
Degree of freedom name Meaning 1 or X x-translation
2 or Y y-translation
3 or Z z-translation
4 or RX x-rotation
5 or RY y-rotation
6 or RZ z-rotation
7 or W beam warping
8 or P pore pressure
10 or E electrical potential
11 or T temperature
Femsys Limited