The Database Interface Routines form a system of subroutines which may be called from within an interface program written in Fortran Version 77. They will enable finite element data to be entered into the FEMVIEW database a single data set at a time, via a binary temporary file.
Data must still be entered into the FEMVIEW database in generally the same order as that defined for the character file which FEMGV reads. Thus these routines must be used in a specific logical order which is illustrated by the flow chart in Appendix 6, and explained in the following sections of this chapter. The calling sequence of the routines is controlled by a system of sequence checks which, if a routine is called out of sequence, will return an error code and display an error message.
It is only possible to enter data directly into the FEMVIEW database if the database resides on the same machine as the translation process. The Database Interface Routines may still be used when the database and translation process reside on different machines, but in this case the routines are instructed to write the data to a neutral character file instead of directly to the database. The neutral character file may then be transferred to the same machine as the database, and entered into the FEMVIEW database using the 'UTILITY READ VIEWDATA' command. A list of all the callable routines is given in Table 1 below.
Routine | Purpose |
DIASS | To enter an assembly definition. |
DIBLD | To create FEMVIEW display data sets. |
DIBLH | To enter a beam loading header. |
DIBL1 | To enter point load beam loading data. |
DIBL2 | To enter distributed load beam loading data. |
DIBL3 | To enter point moment beam loading data. |
DIBL4 | To enter distributed moment beam loading data. |
DICMB | To define loadcase combinations. |
DICON | To enter nodal constraint data. |
DICOR | To enter nodal co-ordinate data. |
DIDBI | To initialise a FEMVIEW database. |
DIECH | To enter an element results 'constant for element' header. |
DIECR | To enter element results 'constant for element' data. |
DIEGH | To enter an element results 'element at Gauss points' header. |
DIEGR | To enter 'element at Gauss points' data. |
DIENH | To enter an element results 'element at nodes' header. |
DIENR | To enter 'element at nodes' data. |
DIERR | To perform an error cleanup. |
DIEXD | To enter 'element at nodes' local axis system data. |
DIEXH | To enter an 'element at nodes' local axis system header. |
DIGPD | To enter Gauss point co-ordinate data. |
DIGPH | To enter a Gauss point co-ordinate header. |
DIGXD | To enter 'element at Gauss points' local axis system data. |
DIGXH | To enter an 'element at Gauss points' local axis system header. |
DIHED | To enter a data set header. |
DIINI | To initialise the Database Interface Routines. |
DILIM | To indicate the end of a data set. |
DILXC | To enter constraint local axis system data. |
DIMPD | To enter an MPC header. |
DIMPH | To enter MPC data. |
DIMTA | To enter anisotropic materials header and data. |
DIMTI | To enter isotropic materials header and data. |
DIMTT | To enter material safety data. |
DINDH | To enter a nodal results 'materially dependent nodal' header. |
DINDR | To enter 'materially dependent nodal' data. |
DINIA | To enter a nodal results 'materially independent' header + data. |
DINX | To enter 'materially dependent nodal' local axis system data. |
DINXH | To enter a 'materially dependent nodal' local axis system header. |
DIPRJ | To enter or create and enter a project identifier. |
DIRHA | To enter a result attributes header. |
DIRHB | To enter a result components header. |
DIRHC | To enter a result variant records header. |
DISCN | To define loadcase scans. |
DISET | To define an element set. |
DISIZ | This routine is no longer supported. |
DISTP | To finish using Database Interface Routines. |
DITOP | To enter element topology data. |
DITOP2 | As DITOP but with an additional element variant parameter. |
DITRN | To define model transformations when building assemblies. |
DIUSR | To enter or create and enter a user-key. |
Table 1