Brief Bio of Daniel M. Nosenchuck
Daniel M. Nosenchuck's research interests include experimental and
computational fluid mechanics, dynamic flow control and visualization,
and advanced supercomputer architectures.
His major contributions include experimental
active laminar-flow control, the first successful demonstration of active
turbulence control,
and the development of a parallel-processing
supercomputer. He was a charter-year recipient of
the five-year NSF Presidential Young
Investigator Award (1984-89). He also received the IBM Faculty
Development Award (1984-85) and the Princeton University School of
Engineering Rheinstein Award (1986) for work related to the implementation
of unique flow fields, and the development of new flow visualization
techniques. He received the National EMMY Award in 1984 for Outstanding
Individual Achievement in Special Visual Effects.
He was recently (1993) given the Princeton University Undergraduate
Engineering Council Excellence in Teaching Award.
He is active in industrial consulting and also consults directly with
the Department of Defense, and
is a member of various DoD Studies, Task Forces and Panels.
The underlying theme of his work revolves around the control of
complex fluid flows. To achieve this, he is currently engaged in several areas
of research. These include the study and experimental active control
of turbulent boundary-layers in a low-speed water channel,
wake-vortex prediction and control,
the development
of a new three-dimensional dynamic flow-visualization technique
using laser-sheet scanning to generate
dynamic volumetric LIF data bases, and the
design and construction of a very-high-speed computer for use in complex
flow simulations and control applications.