Droplet Combustion Modeling Results
Bottle 2 Conditions
Conditions and Test Points Simulated:
Bottle 2 Simulation Results
The following is a summary of simulation results for 3 different initial diameters for the conditions of Bottle 2. Burning rate and flame temperature are compared at time/(initial diameter)^2 = 0.125.
Simultation Results - Figures
The following is a plot of diameter-sqaured vs. normalized time for Bottle 2 test cases D103015A, D103030A, and D103050A.
The following is a plot of instantaneous burning rate vs. normalized time for Bottle 2 test cases D103015A, D103030A, and D103050A.
The following is a plot of flame radius vs. time Bottle 2 test cases D103015A, D103030A, and D103050A.