Oracle8i Error Messages Release A67785-01 |
ORA-20501 'fieldvalue' is an invalid/inactive 'fieldname' value -> SQLERRM
Cause: An active record could not be found on the XLATTABLE table for the fieldvalue and fieldname provided.
Action: Make sure you are providing a valid combination of fieldvalue and fieldname or have the values added to the XLATTABLE table. Check SQLERRM for additional information
ORA-20509 BUILD_PERS_DATA_EFFDT procedure only accepts NAME_TYPE 'PRI'
Cause: A PS_NAMES record with a NAME_TYPE other than 'PRI' was passed to the BUILD_PERS_DATA_EFFDT procedure.
Action: Pass a PS_NAMES record with a NAME_TYPE of 'PRI' to the BUILD_PERS_DATA_EFFDT procedure.
ORA-20510 PROCEDURE_NAME procedure failed to build a RECORD_NAME record -> SQLERRM
Cause: SQLERRM occured while trying to build a RECORD_NAME record in procedure PROCEDURE_NAME
Action: Have the Package administrator rewrite procedure PROCEDURE_NAME to handle the error.
ORA-20610 INSERT_ROW procedure failed on table TABLE_NAME -> SQLERRM
Cause: procedure INSERT_ROW generated SQLERRM while trying to insert a row into table TABLE_NAME
Action: Have the Package administrator rewrite procedure INSERT_ROW to handle the error.