Dealer Waypoints

In anticipation of a long road trip, I searched the web for a list of Buell and Harley-Davidson Dealer waypoints that I could load into my GPS.  Having found none, I decided to create them myself.  Available below are lists of all the US and Canadian dealers as of March 2007.  Please note that the Buell dealers list is a subset of Harley-Davidson dealers with the exception of the Seminole Buell Shop in Fern Park, FL, which is currently the only stand-alone Buell shop.


The impatient can download all of the Buell and Harley-Davidson files, including documentation, here.  The individual Buell and Harley-Davidson files are available in two formats.


GPS Exchange Format:


The buell.gpx and harley-davidson.gpx files can be loaded into just about any GPS unit with software like EasyGPS or GPSBabel.  If your GPS unit supports comments, you will find they contain the Dealers phone number, a services key (see below), and the street address, in that order, separated by commas.  Depending on how many characters your unit supports in the comment field, you may experience truncation.


The services key is an attempt to efficiently summarize a dealer’s services in as few characters as possible so that it will fit in the small comment field of GPS units that support them.  This is important because you don’t want to have trouble on the road, ride to a location for help and then find out all they can offer you is a tee-shirt.  The services key is a character string that uses one capitol letter to represent each service a dealer provides.  This is summarized in the table below.


Buell Services

Harley-Davidson Services

Key Letter


H-D Motorcycles






Motor Clothes Merchandise


Parts & Accessories

Genuine Motor Accessories



Shop Online



H-D Authorized Rentals


Rider's Edge

Rider's Edge



HOG Chapter



HOG Fly & Ride



Buell Motorcycles


BRAG Clubs

BRAG Clubs



The services key string is 6 characters long in the Buell file because only the 6 services listed in the above table are available.  The Harley-Davidson services key string is 11 characters long in the Harley-Davidson file.  If a service is not available, a single dash appears as a placeholder for the missing service.


For example, a Buell dealer search on ”Liberty” is represented with the services key string ‘MSCA-U’, with a dash for the Rider's Edge service because it’s not offered at Liberty Buell.  This makes the final comment appears as ‘732-381-2400,MSCA-U,12 West Milton Avenue’ in the Buell file.


A Harley-Davidson dealer search on ”Stone Mountain“ is represented with the services key string ‘MSCAO-EH-B-’, with dashes for the un-offered H-D Authorized Rentals, Rider's Edge and HOG Fly & Ride and BRAG Clubs services, so the final comment appears as ‘770-979-7999,MSCAO-EH-B-,2060 Ross Road’ in the Harley-Davidson file.


Comma Separated Values (CSV)


 Using GPSBabel or GPS Visualizer the CSV files can be converted into a format that can be used with just about any GPS unit.  They can also be easily imported into a spreadsheet or database.

Buell Dealers


The buell.csv file is a list of comma separated values, enclosed in quotes, with the following fields:



Business ID                  Unique numeric value for each Dealer

Latitude                         Latitude in signed decimal format

Longitude                      Longitude in signed decimal format

Dealership Name          obvious

Street                              Street Address

City                                 obvious

State                               State Abbreviation

Zip Code                        obvious

Country                         Country Abbreviation (‘USA’ or ‘CAN’ only)

Phone                             Phone number

Fax                                  Fax number

Email                               obvious  (not all dealers have a email address)

URL                                Dealership web site (not all dealers have a web site)

Motorcycles                 ‘Y’ for Dealerships that sell Buell motorcycles, empty otherwise

Service                           ‘Y’ for Dealerships that service Buell motorcycles, empty otherwise

Apparel                          ‘Y’ for Dealerships that sell Buell apparel, empty otherwise

Parts & Accessories    ‘Y’ for Dealerships that sell Buell Parts & Accessories, empty otherwise

Riders Edge                   ‘Y’ for Dealerships that have the Riders Edge riding course, empty otherwise

BRAG Club                   ‘Y’ for Dealerships that support a local BRAG riding Club, empty otherwise


Harley-Davidson Dealers


The  harley-davidson.csv file is a list of comma separated values, enclosed in quotes, with the following fields:


FIELD NAME                       DESCRIPTION

Business ID                          Unique numeric value for each Dealer

Latitude                                 Latitude in signed decimal format

Longitude                              Longitude in signed decimal format

Dealership Name                  obvious

Street                                      Street Address

City                                         obvious

State                                       State Abbreviation

Zip Code                                obvious

Country                                 Country Abbreviation (‘USA’ or ‘CAN’ only)

Phone                                     Phone number

Fax                                          Fax number

Email                                       obvious (not all dealers have a email address)

URL                                        Dealership web site (not all dealers have a web site)

HD Motorcycles                  ‘Y’ for Dealerships that sell Buell motorcycles, empty otherwise

Service                                   ‘Y’ for Dealerships that service Buell motorcycles, empty otherwise

Motorcycle Clothes             ‘Y’ for Dealerships that sell Buell apparel, empty otherwise

Motor Accessories              ‘Y’ for Dealerships that sell Buell Parts & Accessories, empty otherwise

HD Road Store                     ‘Y’ for Dealerships that have an Online Store, empty otherwise

Authorized Rentals              ‘Y’ for Dealerships that rent Harley-Davidson motorcycles (some rent Buell) , empty otherwise

Riders Edge                           ‘Y’ for Dealerships that have the Riders Edge riding course, empty otherwise

Hog Chapter                         ‘Y’ for Dealerships that have a HOG chapter, empty otherwise

Fly and Ride                          ‘Y’ for Dealerships that participate in the Fly and Ride program, empty otherwise

Buell                                       ‘Y’ for Dealerships that also sell Buell Motorcycles, empty otherwise

BRAG Clubs                         ‘Y’ for Dealerships that support a local BRAG riding Club, empty otherwise


If you have any question or comments, or if you just want to let me know you found these files useful, you can contact me through my profile page on Bad Weather Bikers.