Julie Nkodo '12
Rockville, MD
How long have you been dancing?
I started seriously dancing my frosh here at Princeton :)
Why BAC?
one word: swag. Hip Hop is my life and being able to express that in dance is amazing and I'm so grateful for BAC. I grew so much as a dancer, and tried so many different styles and the people are so freeaaakin talented! BAC is like my family, I don't know what I would do without it. They crack me up, they push me to go beyond what I think is possible, they inspire me, BAC makes me happy :)
Best BAC moment?
I have two! My first is definitely when I choreographed my first piece alone in The Real World: BAC. I was proud of that choreo and that moment when we first performed it, I can remember like it was yesterday. My second moment: "...wait, no guys, I have FEAR that..." (shoutouts to Nana, haha)
Fun Fact
my dougie might just be that serious. its on that outer space, in the depths of the galaxy level, feel me?! lol.