Ann Niehaus '12
Knee House
Rye, NY
most of my life, but only about 5 years of Hip-Hop
We don't take ourselves too seriously, our shows are, first and foremost, one big party, and, of course, the novelty of being the token white chick, which has since been downgraded to the title of token blonde chick... thanks a lot Sara Connolly.
Pickups Fall 2010, 3 am, we knock on Paul's door to find out that this Paul is not the 6 ft+ Asian kid we are looking for but, in reality, a small white boy who was totally out of it. Turns out we had gone to a different Paul's room. Good thing we had his roommate wake him up in the middle of the night so he could witness all of BAC rolling on the hallway floor, hysterically laughing. A truly great BAC moment.
I'm secretly addicted to terrible, terrible TV... I've seen everything... seriously. Any "Real Housewives" is a personal favorite.