Lab Etiquette

The School of Architecture's

Computer-Aided Design and Imaging Facility


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            In order for the lab to function properly and be a hospitable environment in which to work, please adhere to the following guidelines when using the lab.  Consider your behavior in any public facility, a library for example, and conduct yourself accordingly:

Ø      Please report all computer related problems to the computer systems administrator immediately at  Please include the name of the computer, the operating system, and a description of the problem.

Ø      Take all personal belongings with you when you leave the lab.  You may leave resources at your workstation if you are in the middle of a project and you have left momentarily.

Ø      Please discard all scrap paper and draft prints into the yellow recycling bin.  All paper on the floor or left on the tables for more than one day will be discarded, however, please pick up after yourself.

Ø      Food and beverages are not permitted in the lab at any time.

Ø      Personal folders and files are not to be saved to the hard drives of any computer in the lab for more than 3 days.  All personal files will be deleted periodically. Visit Arch FAQ for information on alternative storage methods.
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Ø      Virus protection software should remain enabled on all machines in the lab at all times:  No exceptions.  Media brought into the lab should be virus free.  See the Systems Administrator for a FREE copy of anti-virus software.

Ø      The lab is for drawing only.  Email and web searches are permitted but must yield to architectural drawing projects.  At no time should MP3 or other recreational files or applications be downloaded to the machines in the lab.

Ø      Plotters should be used to print large-scale drawings only.  Text documents should be printed to the HP laser printer or the Epson 3000.  See Arch FAQ for instructions on how to use these printers.

Ø      All computers, monitors, computer accessories, manuals, and chairs belong in the computer lab at all times.

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General Information and Notes:

Ø      The computer lab will be closed every Tuesday from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM for maintenance.  No one will be permitted to enter the lab during this time.  This includes phone and printer use.

Ø      I will be glad to help all SOA students with their personal computers located in the studio.  I prefer that you exhaust all other resources before seeking my attention.  Other resources would include: user manuals; Princeton Help Desk (8-HELP); manufacture’s website.
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