
Vergil's Rome

Aeneid, articles from the Enc. Brit. (Princeton only)
  • The dictatorship and assassination of Caesar. (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  • The Triumvirate and Octavian 's achievement of sole power. (Enc. Brit.)

  • Other resources on the Aeneid

    Historical background and context of the Aeneid, by Roger Dunkle, Brooklyn College Core Curriculum Series Aeneid: Political background.

    8 CE. Rome at the time of Ovid's exile to Tomi (SW of Tyras on the Black Sea)
    Stoicis m: A good short page prepared by William Connolly at the Ecole Initiative

    Stoicism and other Greek philosophi cal backgrounds to the Aeneid, by Roger Dunkle, Brooklyn College Core Curriculum Series

    Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Stoicism

    Britannica Online Propaedia article on "Aeneas" (with links if you search the index)

    The ancient Geoffrey of Monmouth from the Enc. Brit.
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