
Structure in the Odyssey

1-12. From Troy to the shores of Ithaca

1-4: Telemacheia

1. Council in Heaven

2. Tel. calls assembly.

Day 2

3. Tel.+ Mentor visit Nestor at Pylos.

4. Tel. + Peis. visit Menelaos at Sparta

5. Odysseus begins his return: from Ogygia to Phaeacia

6-12: Phaeacis

6. Landing on Phaeacia

7. Od. presents himself at court

8. Contests and Songs.

Day 29

9-12: The epic within the epic: Od's wanderings

9. Kikones (loses six men). Lotos Eaters. Kyklops (- six more men).

10. Aeolos. Laestrygonians (- all but O's ship). Circe on Aiaia.

11. Nekuia (Descent to Hades)

12. Back to Aiaia, warnings from Circe.

13-24. From the Shore to the Palace

13. Back on Ithaca.

14. Od. and Eumaios. Stories and the test of Hospitality: the cloak.

15. Athena visits Tel. in Sparta.

16. Od. tests Tel.; Athena transforms Od. back; recognition of Od. by Tel.

17. Eumaios + Od. as beggar set off for palace.

18. Inhospitable incidents: Iros the beggar; Eurymakhos the prince

19. Od. + Tel. remove armor from hall.

20. Od. inflamed by faithless maidservants.

21. The contest for Penelope begins.

22. Epiphany of the real Od.

23. Penelope descends to hall

24. "Second Nekuia" and Resolution

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