Senior Research Scholar and
Lecturer Princeton School of Public
and International Affairs A29 JRR Building Princeton University, NJ
08544 |
Research Fellow |
B.A. in Economics, University of Barcelona,
M.A. Political Economy, Boston University, 1993
Ph.D. in Economics, Boston University, 1996
Published papers:
1. Transition from plan to market, height and well-being
(with Francesca dalla Pozza,
Sergei Guriev, Lukas Kleine-Rueschkamp and Elena Nikolova). Economic
Policy (forthcoming 2020).
2. What is the most important factor likely to influence
future fertility trends and why? International political economy and future
fertility trends, Vienna Yearbook of
Population Research 2020.
3. The Role of Welfare in Locational Choices: Modelling
Intra-European Migration Decisions across the Life-Course (with Petra de Jong
and Helga De Valk), Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie
Volume111, Issue2, April 2020, Pages 163-181.
4. Speeding up for a son: Sex ratio imbalances by birth interval
among South Asian migrants to Canada (with Ana Ferrer), (previous version CLEF
Canadian Labor Economics forum, Working Papers, March 2016, WP #1) Canadian Studies in Population
5. Education and fertility in the context of rising
inequality, Vienna Yearbook of Population
Research, Volume: 15, 2017, pages 63 – 92
6. The future fertility of highly educated women: The
role of educational composition shifts and labor market barriers, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research,
Volume: 15, 2017, pages 19 - 25.
7. Age at migration, family instability, and timing of
sexual onset (with Rachel Goldberg and Marta Tienda), Social Science Research, 2016. Published paper
8. Occupational Skills and Labour Market Progression of
Married Immigrant Women in Canada (with Ana Ferrer), Labour Economics, 2016.Published
(Before: CREAM Discussion paper 34/14 and IZA WP 8407, August 2014 )
9. The role of language in shaping international
migration: Evidence from OECD countries 1985-2006, Economic Journal 2015 (with Mariola Pytlikova,). Economic
Journal 2015 Published version
10. Language
and Culture as drivers of Migration, IZA World of Labor, July 2015.
11. The Fertility
of Married Immigrant Women to Canada (with Ana Ferrer), International Migration Review, Fall 2014:1–31. (Before: The Fertility of Recent Immigrants
to Canada, IZA working paper # 7289, 2013.)
12. The Myth of
Immigrant Women as Secondary Workers: Evidence from Canada" (with Ana
Ferrer) American Economic Review,
vol.104 (3): 360-64, 2014 Open version
13. Fertility Adaptation of Child Migrants to Canada (with
Ana Ferrer), Population Studies 2014 (Working paper:
Age at Migration, Language and Fertility transitions among migrants to Canada;
IZA Working Paper #5552, March 2011.) Published version
14. Son Preference and Children’s Housework: the Indian
Case (with Tin-chi Lin,) Population
Research and Policy Review (2013) Open version
15. Fertility
Patterns of Child Migrants: Age at Migration and Ancestry in Comparative
Perspective (with Ana Ferrer, Wendy Sigle-Rushton
and Ben Wilson), Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science, V.463, September 2012.
16. Student Performance in Elementary Schools: Evidence
from Catalonia (with Maria Gutierrez-Domenech), Revista de Economia Aplicada Vol XX, 135-164, 2012.
17. The
Interplay of Employment Uncertainty and Education in explaining Second Births
in Europe Demographic Research
Volume 25, Article 16, 2011. PDF
18. Where are the babies? Labor Market Conditions and
Fertility in Europe, European Journal of
Population, 27 (1), 1-32, 2011. Open Version
19. Fertility Changes
in Latin America in the Context of Economic Uncertainty (with Alicia
Menendez), Population Studies,
20. Is Fertility Indeed related to Religiosity? Population Studies July, 61 (2),
225-230, July 2007. PDF File
21. Are There Gender Differences in Immigrant Labor Market
Outcomes across European Countries? (with Barry R. Chiswick), Journal of Population Economics, Special
Issue - Ethnic and Racial Communities, 20 (3), 495–526, 2007.
PDF Working paper
22. Marital Fertility and Religion in Spain, Population Studies, 60:2, 205-221, July
2006.PDF Working paper
23. An Economic Analysis of the Gap between Desired and
Actual Fertility. The Case of Spain, Review
of Economics of the Household 4:1, 75-95, March 2006. PDF Working paper
24. Religion and Changes in Family-size Norms in Developed
Countries, Review of Religious Research,
47:3, 271-286, March 2006. PDF File
25. Vanishing Children. From High Unemployment to Low
Fertility in Europe, American Economic
Review, Papers and Proceedings, 95 (2), May 2005.PDF File
26. Changing Fertility Rates in Developed Countries. The
Impact of Labor Market Institutions, Journal of Population Economics 17:
17-43, January 2004 (Copyright Springer-Verlag)
PDF File
27. Are You Being Served? Political Accountability and
Quality of Government (with Carles
Boix and Mark Payne), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 19:
2, 445-490, October 2003. PDF File (Working Paper 438, Research
Department Inter-American Development Bank, November 2000. PDF File Summary on Corruption and Freedom of the Press
29. Must We Choose? European Unemployment, American Inequality
and the Impact of Education and Labor Market Institutions, (with Carles Boix ) European Journal
of Political Economy 16: 611-638, 2000. PDF file
30. Sectoral Spillovers and the Price of Land: A Cost
Analysis across U.S. States, Regional Science and Urban Economics 30:
565-585, September 2000 PDE File.
31. History and Coordination Failure (with Debraj
Ray), Journal of Economic Growth 3: 267-276, September 1998. PDF File
32. Desempleo regional
europeo. La interacción de la educación y el mercado de trabajo (with Carles Boix ), Cuadernos
Economicos del ICE 63: 49-77, 1997.
Book Chapters:
Fertility Issues in
Developed Countries (with Ana Ferrer), Handbook on Women and the Economy,
edited by Susan L. Averett, Laura M. Argys, and Saul D. Hoffman, Oxford University Press. (July
Language and
Migration (with Mariola Pytlikova) Chapter 12 in The Palgrave Handbook of
Economics and Language edited by V. Ginsburgh and S.
Weber,2016. Table of Contents
and Demography: Marriage, Divorce, and Fertility (with Ana Ferrer) In
Handbook on the Economics of International Migration, Volume 1, edited by B. R.
Chiswick and P. W. Miller for the “Handbooks in
Economics Series”, Kenneth J. Arrow and Michael D. Intriligator
eds., Elsevier B.V., 2014
contributions “Southern Europe” and “Employment, Economic uncertainty and
Fertility” to chapter 3 “Future fertility in Low fertility Countries” by S. Basten, T. Sobotka and K. Zeman. In World
Population and Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by
Wolfgang Lutz, William P. Butz, and Samir KC (Oxford University Press, 2014).
Youth and Children of Migrants in a Globalized World. (with Marta Tienda),
(Introductory paper) Annals of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science Special Issue on Migrant Youth and Children of Migrants
in a Globalized World, v643, September 2012
Feminism and Faith: How are Secularism and economic Conditions Influencing
Fertility in the West?. In Whither the Child? Causes and Consequences
of Low Fertility. P. 1-28. Eric Kaufman and Bradford Wilcox (eds.) Paradigm
Publishers, Colorado 2013. Review
The Fertility
Decisions of Canadian Immigrants, (with Ana Ferrer). Canadian Research on Immigration. Edited
by Arthur Sweetman, Ted McDonald and Elizabeth Ruddick, John Deutchs Institute of Economic Policy, Queen's University.
McGill-Queen's Press 2010. Book information Book webpage is
What Matters for
Education? Evidence for Catalonia, (with Maria Gutierrez-Domenech,
Research Department, La Caixa Savings Bank,
Barcelona), La Caixa Working Paper 2009
Constitutions and
Democratic Breakdowns (with Carles
Boix )). In Jose Maria Maravall and Ignacio
Sanchez-Cuenca, Controlling Governments:
Voters, Institutions, and Accountability. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Fertility in
Developed Countries. In L. Blume and S. Durlauf (eds.) The New PalgraveDictionary of Economics,
2nd edition. England: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Dictionary webpage
Kempo to Democracy no Hokai
(jointly with Carles Boix and translated by Yuki Yanai,)
pp. 82-117, In Hideko Magara & Masanobu Ido,
eds., Veto Players and Policy Change
(Kyohiken-Player to Seisaku
Tenkan), Waseda University
Press, 2007. In Japanese
(English summaries)
Canvi Demografic
a Europa: la transformacio dels
valors familiars i del mercat de treball in Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol (Ed.) Canvi Demografic i estat del benestar, Barcelona,
2007 Book information.
Patterns in Immigrant Earnings across European Destinations (with Barry R. Chiswick) In
Craig Parsons and Timothy Smeeding (eds.) Immigration
and the Transformation of Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Book
The Political
Economy of Trade and Economic Integration: A Review Essay (with Carles Boix ). In R. Devlin and A. Estevadordal (eds.) Bridges
for Development, 2003. pp. 75-92. John Hopkins University Press and
Inter-American Development Bank.
Comment on “Are
You Being Served? Political Accountability and Quality of Government”.
Summarized in Global Corruption Report
2001, R. Hodess Ed., Transparency
International 2001.Book information
PDF File
¿Debemos elegir? Desempleo europeo, desigualdad americana
y el impacto de la educación y las instituciones del mercado laboral (with Carles Boix) In: José María Maravall
Herrero (ed.) Políticas de bienestar y desempleo, p. 263-284, Madrid
1999. Book information.
Special Issues:
jointly with Marta Tienda. Special Issue on Migrant
Youth and Children of Migrants in a Globalized World, Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, v643, September 2012.
editor jointly with Laura Bernardi, Amparo González Ferrer. Special Collection
“A new look into the dynamics of mixed
unions in Europe” Demographic Research (forthcoming 2019).
editor jointly with Nadja Milewski. Special Collection “Fertility and children in minority populations: Migration, cultural
diversity, and the reproduction of social inequalities” Journal of
International Migration and Integration (forthcoming 2020).