Navigating the Library's Electronic Resources

The Library Gateway

The Library Gateway is a menu which provides access to selected electronic library resources, including the online catalog, circulation system, periodical indexes/abstracts in a variety of disciplines, and catalogs of other research libraries. You can access these databases via subject menus, or, if you know the name of the database you want to use, by using the alphabetical listing at the bottom of the main menu.

Once you have accessed a particular resource, you must its specific search and display commands. Searching instructions are available in ring binders next to library gateway workstations. Each database also supplies its own internal searching help.
Many of the Gateway Resources have corresponding paper versions which may also cover earlier years. (Consult the online catalog or check with a reference librarian to locate these.)

This is how the Gateway screens are organized; let's go through the subject menus one at a time:

Princeton University Library