Using WsFTP

When WsFTP is started, you will be in the Session Profile dialog. This is the window where you choose the site to connect

to. The pull-down menu beside Profile Name allows you to select a pre-defined site with your mouse. Single click on the

site name and the dialog box will be filled in with the appropriate information, click OK to connect.

Once connected to a site, both local and remote file directories are displayed, local (your machine) on the left, remote (FTP

server) on the right. Directories are listed in the upper boxes, files in the lower. To change directories, double click the

directory name. To select files, single click (use Ctrl-click to mark multiple files). The arrow buttons in the middle begin a

transfer in either direction. Double-clicking a single filename transfers that file.

Before transfering any file, select the proper transfer type via the radio buttons ASCII and Binary (L8 is all but unused).

To look at a text file on a site (maybe the 00INDEX file list or a README), single click the filename and then the View

button. WsFTP will fetch the file in ASCII mode (despite the radio button setting) and then launch NotePad to display it.

You can also view local files the same way.

The DirInfo button allows you to look at the raw file list from the FTP server (with all it's file dates, sizes, et al).

It's generally not allowed on anonymous sites, but if you have the privledges, the Rename and Delete buttons, as well as

MkDir and RmDir buttons will all work. This allows complete file directory maintenance on a remote machine. The left set

of these buttons (for local machine) will always work to maintain directories on your machine.

The Refresh button will update the directory list by requesting the server re-list the files. Generally this won't do much

except slow you down unless you've successfully used one of the maintenance buttons from the previous paragraph, or

someone else is maintaining the site while you're connected to it.

The bottom row of buttons gives you several options, most of which are self-explanitory. Note that the leftmost button is

either Connect or Close depending on whether or not you are connected to an FTP site. The first must be closed before

opening the next; if you want to connect to two sites at the same time, launch WsFTP twice and have two copies of it

running. (I'm told this works, haven't tried it myself)