The Information Content of Premanufacture Notices
NTIS order #PB83-241059
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
1: Summary
2: "New Chemicals" and the Toxic Substances Control Act
3: Methods Used in Study of Information Content of Premanufacture Notices
4: Frequency of Submission of TSCA-Specified Data on Premanufacture Notices
5: Frequency of Submission of Physical-Chemical Information on Premanufacture Notices
6: Frequency of Submission of Toxicity Information on Premanufacture Notices
7: Submission of Physical-Chemical and Toxicity Information on Some Subgroups of Premanufacture Notices
8: Actions Taken by the Environmental Protection Agency as a Result of Reviewing Premanufacture Notices
9: Discussion
A: Summary of Topics Considered at Evaluation Meeting During Initial Screen of Premanufacture Notices...
B: Copies of Face Sheets: EPA and CMA PMN Forms
C: Acknowledgments
D: Acronyms and Glossary