Strategies for Medical Technology Assessment

NTIS order #PB83-113274

Report cover

Full Report ~2929K
Front Matter ~33K
Table of Contents ~4K

1: Introduction and Summary ~405K
2: Information for Assessment ~56K
3: Evaluating Health and Economic Effects ~61K
4: Social Values in Technology Assessment ~61K
5: Synthesis, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, and Decisionmaking ~74K
6: Factors Affecting the Development, Diffusion, and Use of Medical Technologies ~119K
7: Critique of the Current System ~75K
8: Policy Options ~39K

A: Compendium of Statistical Data Sources for Medical Technology Assessment . ~212K
B: Compendium of Bibliographic Data Bases for Medical Technology Assessment ~156K
C: Assessment of Medical Technology: Methodological Considerations ~181K
D: Medical Technologies and Innovation ~124K
E: Case Studies of Medical Technologies ~267K
F: Model for an Institute for Health Care Evaluation ~63K
G: Method of the Study and Description of Other Volumes ~26K
H: Acknowledgments ~16K
I: Glossary of Acronyms and Terms ~33K
References ~915K
Index ~165K