An Assessment of Alternatives for a National Computerized Criminal History System

NTIS order #PB83-166678

Report cover

Full Report ~1781K
Front Matter ~54K
Table of Contents ~7K

Overview ~20K
1: Summary ~92K
2: Nature and Origins of Criminal History Records ~105K
3: Evolution to Computerized Criminal History Records ~58K
4: Description of the National Crime Information Center in Context ~218K
5: NCIC Technology and Costs ~90K
6: Legal/Regulatory Framework for NCIC, Ident, and State CCH Systems ~150K
7: Use and Users of NCIC/CCH, Ident, and State CCH Systems ~129K
8: Record Quality in Federal and State Criminal History Information Systems ~69K
9: State and Local Management of Criminal History Information Systems ~85K
10: Major Structural Alternatives for a National Computerized Criminal History System ~197K
11: Possible Impacts of a National CCH System on the Criminal Justice Process ~96K
12: Other Immpact Areas Relevant to a National CCH Systems: ... ~132K
13: Congressional Policy Considerations, Part I ~126K
14: Congressional Policy Considerations, Part II ~195K

A: Status of NCIC Hot Files ~30K
B: State Officials Responding to OTA 50-State Survey Conducted in 1979-80 ~16K
C: State Repository Officials Responding to OTA User Survey Conducted in 1979 ~15K
D: State Officials Contacted in OTA Followup Survey Conducted in August 1982 ~20K
Index ~77K