Management of Fuel and Nonfuel Minerals in Federal Land
NTIS order #PB-295788
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1: Introduction
2: Mineral Exploration, Development, and Production: Technology, Participants, and the Role of Federal Onshore Land
3: History and Main Elements of the Federal Onshore Mineral Land Management Systems
4: Coordinating Mineral Activities
5: Coordinating Mineral and Non mineral Activities
6: Coordinating Federal, State, and Local Controls and Payment Requirements
A: The Role of Onshore Federal Land With Respect to Production of Essential Mineral Commodities
B: Statistical Data on the Availability of Federal Onshore Land for Mineral Activity in 1975
C: Survey of Mineral Industry on Techniques, Parties, Costs, Acreages, and Times For Exploration, Development, and Production...