Health Care in Rural America

NTIS order #PB91-104927

Report cover

Full Report ~13606K
Front Matter ~49K
Table of Contents ~20K


Part I: Summary
1: Summary and Options ~1390K

Part II: An Overview of Rural Populations and Health Programs
2: Rural Populations ~535K
3: Federal Programs Affecting Rural Health Services ~319K
4: The State Role in Rural Health ~702K

Part III: Availability of Rural Health Services
5: Problems and Trends in Rural Health Services ~1291K
6: Short- and Long-Term Strategies for Effective Change by Rural Providers ~440K
7: Regulatory and Legal Concerns for Rural Health Facilities ~295K
8: Collaborative Opportunities Between Rural Health Facilities and Government ~214K
9: Conclusions: Availability of Rural Health Services ~57K

Part IV: Availability of Rural Health Personnel
10: The Supply of Health Personnel in Rural Areas ~2133K
11: Identifying Underserved Populations ~756K
12: Problems in the Recruitment and Retention of Rural Health Personnel ~450K
13: Strategies To Recruit and Retain Rural Health Professionals ~780K
14: Conclusions: The Availability of Health Personnel in Rural Areas ~415K

Part V: Two Examples of Specific Services
15: Maternal and Infant Health Services in Rural Areas ~1487K
16: Rural Mental Health Care ~374K

A: Method of the Study ~24K
B: Acknowledgments ~16K
C: Definitions of Hospitals in OTA Analyses of 1987 American Hospital Association Survey Data ~9K
D: Background Material for Two OTA Surveys ~340K
E: Rural Health Care Projects Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation ~27K
F: Census and DHHS Regions ~49K
G: Field Workshops ~76K
H: Summary of OTA Special Report on Rural Emergency Medical Services ~8K
I: Organizational Charts: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Health Resources and Services Administration ~95K
J: Glossary of Terms ~48K
References ~1278K
Index ~78K
Related OTA Reports ~189K