Beneath the Bottom Line: Agricultural Approaches To Reduce Agrichemical Contamination of Groundwater

NTIS order #PB91-129874

Report cover

Full Report ~6473K
Front Matter ~46K
Table of Contents ~3K

1: Summary ~384K
2: Introduction ~495K
3: Contamination of the Hydrogeological System: A Primer ~1152K
4: Technologies To Improve Nutrient and Pest Management ~2207K
5: Farmer Decisionmaking and Technical Assistance ~1182K
6: Public Influences on Agrichemical Contamination of Groundwater: Findings, Issues, and Options for Congress ~958K

A: Major Federal Programs and Activities Related to Water Quality and Agriculture ~32K
B: List of Acronyms ~5K
C: Commissioned Papers ~18K
Index ~120K