Technology, Public Policy, and the Changing Structure of American Agriculture
NTIS order #PB86-184637
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
1: Summary
Part I: The Emerhing Technologies
2: Emerging Technologies for Agriculture
3: Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Agricultural Production
Part II: The Changing Structure of American Agriculture
4: Dynamic Structure of Agriculture
5: Factors Contributing to Structural Change in Agriculture
Part III: Analyses of Technology, Public Policy, and Agricultural Structure
6: Emerging Technologies and Agricultural Structure
7: Impacts of Agricultural Finance and Credit
8: Emerging TechnoIogies, Public Policy, and Various Size Crop Farms
9: Emerging Technologies, Public Policy, and Various Size Dairy Farms
10: Impacts on the Environment and Natural Resources
11: Impacts on Rural Communities
12: Impacts on Agricultural Research and Extension
Part IV: Implications and PoIicy Options for Agriculture
13: Implications and Policy Options for Agriculture
A: Animal and Plant Technology Workshop Methodology and Procedures
B: U.S. Regional Agricultural Sales by Sales Class and Commodity
C: Participants in OTA workshops
D: Analysis of Size Economies and Comparative Advantage in Crop Production in Various Areas of the United States
E: Methodology and Detailed Results of Microeconomic Impacts of Technology and Public Policy for Crop Farms
F: Detailed Results of Macroeconomic Impacts of Technology and Public Policy on Dairy Farms
G: Workgroup, Background Papers, and Acknowledgments