Indian Health Care

NTIS order #PB86-206091

Report cover

Full Report ~8544K
Front Matter ~37K
Table of Contents ~4K

1: Summary and Conclusions ~795K
2: The Federal-lndian Relationship ~80K
3: Overview of the Current Indian Population ~488K
4: Health Status of American Indians ~1135K
5: The Indian Health Service ~1211K
6: Selected Issues In Indian Health Care ~397K

A: American Indian and Alaska Native Population Estimates of the U.S. Census Bureau, Indian Health Service, Bureau of Indian... ~116K
B: Indian Health Status Data-Age-Specific and Age-Adjusted Death Rates and Ratios to U.S. All Races Age-Adjusted Death Rates,... ~3875K
C: IHS Allocations by Area and Budget Category, With Service Population and Utilization Data, Fiscal Years 1972-85 ~54K
D: Acknowledgments and Health Program Advisory Committee ~7K
E: Method of the Study ~88K
F: List of Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~28K
References ~505K