Preventing Illness and Injury in the Workplace
NTIS order #PB86-115334
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
1: Summary and Options
2: Data on Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
3: Health Hazard Identification
4: Safety Hazard Identification
5: Technologies for Controlling Work-Related Illness
6: Technologies for Controlling Work-Related Injuries
7: Ergonomics and Human Factors
8: Personal Protective Equipment
9: Hierarchy of Controls
10: Training and Education for Preventing Work-Related Injury and Illness
11: A Short History of Private and Public Activities
12: Governmental Activities Concerning Worker Health and Safety
13: Assessment of OSHA and NIOSH Activities
14: Decisionmaking for Occupational Safety and Health: The Uses and Limits of Analysis
15: Incentives, Imperatives, and the Decision to Control
16: Economic Incentives, Reindustrialization, and Federal Assistance for Occupational Safety and Health
17: Preventing Work-Related Injury and Illness in the Future
A: Supplemental Information on OSHA and NIOSH
B: Working Papers
C: Acknowledgments and Health Program Advisory Committee
D: Glossary of Acronyms and Terms