Costs and Effectiveness of Prostate Cancer Screening in Elderly Men

GPO stock #052-003-01414-9

Report cover

Full Report ~1170K
Front Matter ~59K
Table of Contents ~31K

1: Summary ~64K
2: Prostate Cancer in Older Men ~74K
3: Technologies To Detect Prostate Cancer ~82K
4: Treating Prostate Cancer ~84K
5: Benefits, Risks, and Costs of Screening ~205K

A: Derivation of Prostate Cancer Prevalence by Age and Tumor Volume ~30K
B: Methods Used To Estimate Likelihoods of Cancer for Particular DRE And PSA Results ~33K
C: Studies ofDigital Rectal Examination for Prostate Cancer Screening ~169K
D: Studies of Prostate-Specific Antigen fo rProstate Cancer Screening and Early Detection ~169K
E: Studies of Repeat/Serial Prostate-Specific Antigen Testing Yield for Prostate Cancer Screening and Early Detection ~72K
F: Studies ofTransrectal Ultrasound for Prostate Cancer Screening and Early Detection ~190K
G: Methods for Estimating the Medicare Costs of Resources Used in Detection and Care of Prostate Cancer ~105K
H: Current Research Efforts To Resolve the Effectiveness of Prostate Cancer Screening and Treatment ~32K
References ~132K