Assessing the Potential for Civil-Military Integration: Technologies, Processes, and Practices

GPO stock #052-003-01394-1
NTIS order #PB95-109666

Report cover

Full Report ~3682K
Front Matter ~109K
Table of Contents ~76K

1: Summary and Findings ~623K
2: Three CMI Strategies ~457K
3: Integrating the Technology and Industrial Base: Overview ~450K
4: Buying Commercial Goods and Services ~912K
5: Integrating Processes for Goods and Services ~722K
6: Continued Segregation ~594K

A: Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms ~87K
B: Selected Commissions, studies, Findings and Recommendations ~98K
C: Selecting a Representative Industrial Sample ~73K
D: Data Collection ~93K
E: Workshops and Reviewers ~70K
Index ~91K