An Alaskan Challenge: Native Village Sanitation

GPO stock #052-003-01372-0
NTIS order #PB94-181013

Report cover

Full Report ~3249K
Front Matter ~71K
Table of Contents ~70K

1: Overview and Findings ~506K
2: Alaskan Native Villages and Their Sanitation Problems ~473K
3: Roles and Responsibilities of Alaska Natives ~217K
4: Roles and Responsibilities of Federal and State Agencies ~435K
5: Alternative Sanitation Technologies ~1079K
References ~550K

A: The Land Claims and Tribal Movements of Alaska Natives ~73K
B: Hepatitis A Outbreaks in Alaskan Native Villages, 1988 ~57K
C: Current Distribution of Sanitation Technologies Among Rural Alaskan Villages and Native Population Served ~111K
Index ~147K