Special Care Units for People With Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: Consumer Education, Research, Regulatory, and Reimbursement Issues

NTIS order #PB92-228444

Report cover

Full Report ~2378K
Front Matter ~34K
Table of Contents ~4K

1: Overview and Policy Implications ~488K
2: Nursing Home Residents With Dementia: Characteristics and Problems ~184K
3: Special Care Units For People With Dementia: Findings From Descriptive Studies ~168K
4: Special Care Units For People With Dementia: Findings From Evaluative Studies ~140K
5: Regulations And Guidelines For Special Care Units ~306K
6: Regulations And Interpretations of Regulations That Interfere With The Design And Operation of Special Care Units ~79K

A: Diseases and Conditions That Cause Dementia ~8K
B: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Research on Special Care Units ~14K
C: Acknowledgements ~11K
References ~1004K