Polar Prospects: A Minerals Treaty for Antarctica

NTIS order #PB90-125403

Report cover

Full Report ~4909K
Front Matter ~32K
Table of Contents ~3K

1: Summary, Issues, and Options ~670K
2: U. S. Involvement in Antarctica and the Origin of the Minerals Convention ~416K
3: The Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities ~644K
4: Potential Mineral Resources in Antarctica ~930K
5: The Antarctic Environment and Potential Impacts From Oil and Minerals Development ~1193K

A: Development of an Antarctic Oil Field ~530K
B: Metal Mining in Antarctica ~274K
C: The Antarctic Treaty Adopted at Washington 1 December 1959 ~19K
D: The Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities ~159K
E: Selected Bibliography ~78K
F: OTA Workshops Participants and Other Contributors ~12K
G: Glossary ~7K
H: Acronyms and Abbreviations ~4K
Related OTA Report ~90K