1st International Workshop on Near Limit Flames
July 29-30, 2017
Photonics 206 (2nd floor)
Boston University
Photonic Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Topic 1. Cool flames
(Coordinators, Nabiha Chaumeix and
Yiguang Ju)
Topic 2. High pressure
flames and diagnostics at engine conditions
Isaac Boxx and William L. Roberts)
Topic 3 Combustion
Instability and hydrodynamic Stability of Reacting Flows
Tim Lieuwen and Jacqueline H. Chen)
Topic 4 Near-limit
detonation and flame dynamics
(Coordinator, Antonio
L. Sanchez and Hoi Dick Ng)
Acknowledgement of NSF support (Program director Dr. Song-Charng
Program (Final)
The 1st International Workshop on Near Limit Flames
July 29th-30th
Photonics 206 (2nd floor), Photonics Building, Boston University
Saturday, July 29th 2017
am Registration and Breakfast
am Welcome
Topic 1. Cool flames
Co-Chairs: Nabiha Chaumeix and Yiguang Ju
am Invited Lecture: Cool Flames in Microgravity
Forman A. Williams (University California, San Diego, USA)
am Position Lecture: Dynamics of
near limit cool flames
Yiguang Ju (Princeton University, USA)
9:45-10:10am Position Lecture: Cool flames in high
pressure turbulent flow
Jacqueline H. Chen (Sandia National Lab, USA)
10:10-10:40am Coffee break
10:40-11:05am Position Lecture: Cool flames in micro
Kaoru Maruta (Tohoku University,
11:05-11:30am Position Lecture: Low-Temperature
Combustion Chemistry in IC Engines
Mike Kweon (Army Research Laboratory,
Topic 2. High pressure flames and diagnostics at engine
Co-Chairs: Isaac Boxx and William L. Roberts
11:30am-12:10pm Invited Lecture: Turbulent flames at Reynolds
James Driscoll (University of Michigan, USA)
12:10pm-12:35pm Position Lecture: Combustion at high
William L. Roberts (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
pm Lunch
13:50-14:15pm Position
Lecture: High pressure turbulent flame initiation
and propagation at large Reynolds number
Steven Shy (National Central University, Taiwan)
14:15-14:40pm Position Lecture: DNS of high Karlovitz
number turbulent premixed flames
Evatt Hawkes (UNSW, Australia)
14:40-15:05pm Position Lecture: DNS of High Karlovitz turbulent flames
Alexei Polunenko (Texas A&M
University, USA)
15:05-15:30pm Position Lecture: Large eddy simulations of
turbulent jet flames at high pressures
Hong Im (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
15:30-16:00 pm Coffee break
16:00-16:25pm Position Lecture: Bunsen
burner flames at elevated pressures: Lessons from simple chemistry Direct
Numerical Simulation analysis
Nilanjan Chakraborty (Newcastle
University, UK)
Topic 3. Combustion
instability and hydrodynamic stability of reacting flows
Co-Chairs: Timothy C Lieuwen
and Jacqueline H. Chen
16:25-17:05pm Invited Lecture: Flame Dynamics, Hydrodynamics, and
Timothy C Lieuwen (Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA)
17:05-17:30pm Position Lecture: Combustion
Instability Mechanisms and Suppression
Jacqueline O'Connor (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
18:30pm-21:00pm Dinner (18th Floor, 10 Buick Street, BU
Student Village)
Sunday, July 30th 2017
am Registration and Breakfast
Topic 3. Combustion
instability and hydrodynamic stability of reacting flows (Continued)
Co-Chairs: Timothy C Lieuwen
and Jacqueline H. Chen
08:30-08:55am Position Lecture: Swirl Flame Dynamics in a
Gas Turbine Model Combustor at Elevated Pressure
Isaac Boxx (The German Aerospace
Center (DLR), Germany)
8:55-9:20am Position Lecture: Sensitivity analysis of
combustion instability
Matthew Juniper (University of Cambridge, UK)
9:20-09:45am Position Lecture: Engine scale stability
predictions using Large Eddy Simulations
Laurent Giquel (CERFACS, France)
9:45-10:10am Highlight Lecture: Dynamics of weak and
strong ignition inside shock tubes
Subith S. Vasu (University of Central Florida, USA)
am Coffee Break
Topic 4. Near-limit
detonation and flame dynamics
Co-Chairs: Antonio L. Sanchez and Hoi Dick Ng
10:40-11:20am Invited Lecture: Near-Limit-Propagation
Issues in Detonation Propulsion
Brent Rankin and Frederick
R. Schauer (AFRL, Wright-Patterson, USA)
11:20-11:45am Position Lecture: Pressure Gain
Combustion in Microchannels: Flame Acceleration and
Transition to Detonation
Ryan Houim (University of Maryland,
11:45am-12:10pm Position Lecture: Flame acceleration and
the transition to detonation in microscale tubes
Ming-Hsun Wu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
12:10pm-13:20pm Lunch
pm Position Lecture: Simulations
of flame acceleration and transition to detonation: How accurate are they?
Huahua Xiao (University of Maryland)
13:45-14:05 pm Position Lecture: Researches
in Peking University on RDE
Jian-Ping Wang (Peking University)
14:05-14:30 pm Break (Water only)
Session 5: Group
Discussions of 4 Research Topics (Chair: Michael Mueller)
Group discussions (Discussions led by
Topics co-chairs)
206 and 203
Session 6: Presentation of
Topic Discussions and Summary (room 206)
Co-Chairs: Zheng Chen and Kaoru Maruta
15:00-15:10 pm Cool flames
15:10-15:20 pm High
pressure turbulent combustion
15:20-15:30 pm Combustion
15:30-15:40 pm Detonation
and microchannel combustion
Transportation and Map to Workshop Venue
The Photonics Building (Photonics 206 (2nd floor)) is across
the street from the MBTA subway system's Green B-line BU-Central stop as well as
a few minutes walking distance from the Green C-line Saint Mary's Street stop
and the Green D-line Fenway Park stop.
Banquet dinner (Saturday,
July 29th at 6:30-8:30pm)
10 Buick Street, 18th Floor, Boston, MA
02215 (Student Village Center)
Local contact:
Yiguang Ju (Co-organizer) Tel:(609)-216-3976 Email:
Prof. Jillian Goldfarb (Local organizer)
Tel (617)-353-3883 Email:
Emergency contact at Boston University: +1-(617)-353-HELP
Students and Postdocs Travel Support Reimbursement (NSF)
or at the meeting: Complete Registration and Fill out the Students/Postdocs Travel Support application form.
the meeting: Depending on the number of applications, Yiguang Ju
will send you the up-limit of travel support for your Hotel and transportation
Use the up-limit of the travel support to
fill out the Reimbursement Form
with scanned receipts and send them to:
Princeton University
Assistant to the Department Chair and
Department Manager
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Princeton, NJ 08544
Phone: 609-258-0315
Email: dspoth@Princeton.EDU