Biophysics:  Searching for Principles


William Bialek

(last updated 5 November 2012)


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:wbialek:Documents:biophys_book:website:Bialek_Biophysics_case.tif


Thank you for your interest in my book, published by Princeton University Press.  On this site I will collect some useful material (including data needed to solve some of the problems), and, inevitably, errata.  This version is a little spartan, but I hope it will improve with time.  Feedback, both on the website and on the book itself, is welcome.  Please email with comments or questions.


Data you will need for the problems

(you should download these files and read in MATLAB, rather than opening in your browser)


For Problem 36, rodcurrents.mat

For Problem 53, omega.txt

For Problem 94, seqs.txt

For Problem 137, Hb.mat