Department of Sociology: Undergraduate Courses Spring 2002

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SOC 201:

American Society and Politics
P. Starr
10:00 MW, McCosh 60

SOC 210:

Urban Sociology: The City and Social Change in the Americas
P. Fernandez-Kelly 2:30 MW, McCosh 28

SOC 241:

The Social Basis of Individual Behavior
H. Taylor 1:30 T Th, McCosh 46


SOC 302:

Sociological Theory
S. Tsakraklides 11:00 T Th, McCosh 60


SOC 308:

China and Russia, Comparisons and Relations
G. Rozman 11:00 MW, McCosh 66

SOC 344:

Communications, Culture, and Society
P. Starr 1:30 MW, McCosh 62

SOC 361:

Culture, Power, and Inequality
M. Fournier 3:30 MW, Wallace 002

SOC 362:

Sociology of Religion
Nepstad 2:30 T Th, McCosh 60

SOC 364:

Sociology of Medicine and Ethics
E. Armstrong 10:00 T Th, McCosh 62

SOC 365:

Education and Society
K. Collias 3:30 T Th, McCosh 60


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