Sociology 221:
Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender
Term Paper
- Compare and contrast economic and political
explanations of the rise.in US income inequality in the 1980s and 1990s.
- Compare and contrast structural and discrimination theories of racial
inequality in the United States.
- Compare and contrast economic and sociological explanations of gender
- Compare and contrast arguments for and against the American system of
social welfare.
- For
students engaged in weekly voluntary service work through the Fall
semester, describe patterns of inequality observed at your research site and
analyze these patterns using theories of inequality discussed in the
Due Date
The paper is due on November 26, at Wednesday's
The paper should be 12 to 15 double-spaced typewritten
pages. Include a cover page that provides your name, your preceptor and precept
time, and the question you answered. Also provide a bibliography that lists the
references used in the paper.
A strong paper will be short, but highly polished.
Ideally the papers should begin with brief summaries of the theories being
reviewed. This should be followed by the "ompare and contrast." This task
involves identifying points of similarity and difference for the theories you
review. A good conclusion should try and provide an assessment of the two
theories of inequality. Your discussion should stick close to the assigned or
other relevant readings.
- Question 5 provides an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge
gained in the field to the problem of studying inequality. Good papers will rely
heavily on systematic observation over a period of months, acknowledgement of
possible biases or omissions in observation, and extensive use of assigned or
other relevant readings. Students interested in question 5 who are not engaged
in voluntary service work, can contact Eleanor Harrison (8-5557,
eleanor@princeton.edu) at the Student
Volunteers Council for an assignment.