Professor Walter L. Wallace

2-N-12 Green Hall

Ext. 8-4744 or 8-4531

Fall 1997

Lectures:2:30 Tuesdays & Thursdays, McCosh 4

|Overview|September 11|September 16|
|September 18|September 23|September 25|September 30|
|October2|October 7|October 9|October 14|
October 16|October 23|November 4|
|November 6|November 11|November 13|
|November 18|November 20|November 25|
|December 2|December 4|December 9|December 11|


This elective course is an introduction to the study of ethnic and racial relations worldwide, with some concentration on the USA. All readings may be purchased in a bound packet from Pequod, 6 Nassau Street. The packet is also available in the Reserve Room of Firestone Library. Questions and comments are welcome at all times during lectures as well as preceptorials. Office hours for instructor and preceptor will be announced later.

There will be a midterm (1 hour) and a final (3 hours) exams. Your score on the final will count for three times as much as your score on the midterm. The two exams will count for about 2/3 of your course grade. Both exams will have short-answer (fill-in-the-blank) questions testing your knowledge of reading and lecture materials; the final will also have one or two essay questions testing your understanding of these materials.

You are also required to write a term paper, 5-10 typewritten pages long, on some topic of your own choosing in the field of ethnic and/or racial relations. The paper may (1) integrate research that you do beyond the course assignments with appropriate course materials, or (2) it may integrate selected course materials in a novel way. Note that papers that are essentially expressions of your personal feelings and/or experiences will not be acceptable. If you are in doubt about the acceptability of your paper topic, discuss it with the instructor beforehand. Further instructions regarding the paper will be given toward the end of the semester. The paper is due not later than 5 PM, Tuesday, January 13 (Dean's Date) in the instructor's mailbox in the Sociology Department Office (2-N-1 Green Hall) and will count for about 1/3 of your course grade.

Finally, each student registered for this course is required to lead at least one preceptorial discussion on one or more aspects (chosen by the student) of that week's, or some preceding week's, readings and/or lectures. Your participation in preceptorials will be counted as an extra factor that may make the difference between the next higher, or lower, course grade (e.g., between A and A-, B and B+, etc.).

Due Dates and Reading Assignments

  • September 11: Introduction

  • September 16:

    Wallace, W.L. The Future of Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality. Westport, CT: Praeger. 1997. Pp. 1-15.
    Wilford, J.N., "Believers in African Eve Think They Have Found. Adam(s), New York Times, May 26, 1995, A16.
    Fagan, B.M., The Journey From Eden. London: Thames & Hudson. 1990. Pp. 229-36

  • September 18:

    Sherif, M. and C. Sherif, Groups in Harmony and Tension. New York: Harper. 1953. Pp. 238-39, 244, 246, 247-49, 260-63, 267-68, 271, 272, 275, 277-80, 281-84, 285-86.
    Peters, W., A Class Divided. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1971. Pp. 19-31.

  • September 23:

    Weber, M., "Ethnic Groups," Economy and Society. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 1978. Pp. 385-93
    Wallace, W.L., "The Neolithic Revolution and Its Aftermath," The Future of Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality. Westport, CT: Praeger. 1997. Pp. 47-70.
    Diamond, J., "Empire of Uniformity," Discover. March 1996. Pp. 78-85.

  • September 25:

    Jennings, F., "Manifest Destiny," The Founders of America. New York: Norton. 1993. Pp. 309-12, 328-42, 395-403.
    Daniels, R. Coming To America. New York: Harper. 1990. Pp. 3-16.

  • September 30:

    Curtin, P., et. al. African History. Boston: Little Brown. 1978. Pp. 244-48.
    Davidson, B. The African Slave Trade (revised and expanded). Boston: Little Brown. 1980. Pp. 120-24.
    Manning, P., "The Slave Trade: The Formal Demography of a Global System." In Inkori, J.E. and S.L. Engerman (eds.), The Atlantic Slave Trade. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1992. Pp. 117-22, 137-39.
    French, H.W., "On Slavery, Africans Say the Guilt Is Theirs, Too." New York Times. December 27, 1994.
    Fogel, R.W. and S. Engerman. Time on the Cross. Boston: Little Brown. 1974. Pp. 20-29.

  • October 2:

    McNeill, W.H., "Human Migration: A Historical Overview." In McNeill, W.H. and R.S. Adams (eds.), Human Migration: Patterns and Policies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1978. Pp. 3-19.
    Kane, H., "Leaving Home." In State of the World 1995. Worldwatch Institute. N.Y.: Norton. 1995. Pp. 132-49.

  • October 7:

    Bonacich, E., "A Theory of Ethnic Antagonism: The Split Labor Market." American Sociological Review. Vol. 37 (October). Pp. 547-59.
    Nagel, J. And S. Olzak, "Ethnic Mobilization in New and Old States: An Extension of the Competition Model." Social Problems. Vol. 30. No. 2. (December 1982). Pp. 127-43.
    Enloe, C., "The Growth of the State and Ethnic Mobilization: The American Experience." Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 4. No. 2. (April) 1981. Pp. 123-36.

  • October 9:

    Onishi, N., "New Sense of Race." New York Times. May 30, 1996. Pp. A1, B6.
    Higham, J. Strangers in the Land. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. 1955. Pp. 62-77, 87-96.

  • October 14:

    Holmes, S.A., "Census Sees a Profound Ethnic Shift in U.S." New York Times. March 14, 1996. Pp. A16.
    Massey, D.S., "The New Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States." Population and Development Review 21. No. 3. (September 1995). Pp. 631-52.
    Nelan, B.W., "Not Quite So Welcome Anymore." Time. Fall 1993. Pp. 10-11.
    Schmemann, S., "Welcoming Newcomers Isn't Always So Easy." New York Times. February 4, 1996. Section 4. P. 3.
    Friedman, T.L., "I Dial Therefore I Am." New York Times. October 29, 1995. P. 13.

  • October 16:

    Gans, H.J., "Symbolic Ethnicity: The Future of Ethnic Groups and Cultures in America." Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 2. No. 1. January 1979. Pp. 1-20.
    McNeill, W.H., "Epilogue." In Martin, M. And R.S. Appleby (eds.), Fundamentalisms and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1993. Pp. 558-73.
    Alba, R.D. Ethnic Identity. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1990. Pp. 311-19.

  • October 21:

    Fordham, S., "School Success and the Construction of "Otherness"." Blacked Out. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1996. Pp. 235-81. dt>Lee, F.R., "Lingering Conflict in the Schools: Black Dialect vs. Standard Speech." New York Times. January 5, 1994. P. A1.
    Butterfield, F., "More Blacks in Their 20's Have Trouble With the Law." New York Times. October 5, 1995. P. A18.
    Anonymous, "The Incarceration Mania." The Social Change Report. Vol. 6. No. 1. Winter 1996. P. 1.

  • October 23: MIDTERM EXAM

  • November 4:

    Farley, R., "The Common Destiny of Blacks and Whites: Observations about the Social and Economic Status of the Races." In Hill, H. And J.E. Jones, Jr., Race in America. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1993. Pp. 197-233.
    Wilson, W.J. When Work Disappears. New York: Knopf. 1997. Pp. xiii, 53-66, 73-86.

  • November 6:

    Massey, D. And N. Denton. American Apartheid. Cambridge: Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1993. Pp. 130-78.

  • November 11:

    Crane, J., "The Epidemic Theory of Ghettos and Neighborhood Effects on Dropping Out and Teenage Childbearing." American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 96. No. 5 (March 1991). Pp. 1226-29, 1235-42, 1250-53.
    Nightingale, C., "Introduction." On the Edge. New York: Basic Books. 1993. Pp. 170-78.
    Shipler, D.K., "Living Under Suspicion." New York Times. February 7, 1997. P. A33.

  • November 13:

    Gans, H.J., "The Positive Functions of Poverty." American Journal of Sociology (78) 1972. Pp. 275-89.
    Blalock, H.M. Race and Ethnic Relations. Prentice-Hall. 1982. Pp. 91-99.
    Blau, J. and P. Blau, "The Cost of Inequality: Metropolitan Structure and Violent Crime." Pp. 114-29.

  • November 18:

    Moskos, C., "How Do They Do It?" The New Republic. August 5, 1991. Pp. 16-20.
    Haberman, C., "The Arabs in Zion: What Symbols for Them?" New York Times. June 1, 1995. P. A4.
    Whitney, C.R., "Europeans Struggle to Balance New Muslim Immigrants and Old Ways." New York Times. May 6, 1995. P. 4.
    Haberman, C., "Israel's Russians Organize to Win Respect." New York Times. June 20, 1995. Pp. A1, A6.
    Hoge, W., "Rare Look Uncovers Wartime Anguish of Many Part-Jewish Germans." New York Times. April 6, 1997. P. 16.
    Kim, Y.S., "Marriage Pattern of the Korean Population in Japan." J. Biosoc. Sci. 1985, 17. Pp. 445-50.

  • November 20:

    Lieberson, S. And M.C. Waters, "The Ethnic and Racial Composition of the United States." From Many Strands. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1988. Pp. 28-50, 162-78.
    Holmes, S.A., "Study Finds Rising Number of Black-White Marriages." New York Times. July 4, 1996. P. A16.
    Atkins, E., "When Life Isn't Simply Black or White." New York Times. June 5, 1991.

  • November 25:

    Steinberg, S., "The Ethnic Crisis in American Society." The Ethnic Myth. Boston: Beacon. 1989. Pp. 44-74.
    Caplow, T., "Introduction." Two Against One. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1968. Pp. 1-5.
    Blalock, H. Toward A Theory of Minority-Group Relations. New York: Wiley. 1967. Pp. 79-83.

  • December 2:

    Lipset, S.M. and E. Raab, "An Old People in a New Land." Jews and The New American Scene. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1995. Pp. 9-28.
    Carmichael, S. And C.V. Hamilton. Black Power. New York: Vintage. 1967. Pp. 44-56.
    Applebome, P., "A Sweetness Tempers South's Bitter Past." New York Times (Special). July 31, 1994. Pp. 1, 20.
    Grier, W.A. and P.M. Cobbs. Black Rage. New York: Basic. 1968. Pp. 144-48.
    Goodman, W., "American Jewish Groups Faulted In a Report on Holocaust Victims." New York Times. March 21, 1984. Pp. A1, B4.

  • December 4:
    Jones, E. Interpersonal Perception. New York: Freeman. 1990. Pp. 94-107.
    Wood, F. The Arrogance of Faith. New York: Knopf. 1990. Pp. 16-23, 26-27, 33-38, 78-83.
    Browning, C.R. Ordinary Men. New York: Harper Collins. 1992. Pp. xv-xxi, 1-2, 55-77, 159-89.

  • December 9:

    Bilton, M. and K. Sim. Four Hours in My Lai. 1992. New York: Viking. Pp. 3-4, 18-21, 361-78.
    Levi, P., "The Gray Zone." The Drowned and the Saved. New York: Summit. 1988. Pp. 36-69.

  • December 11:

    Walters, F.P. A History of the League of Nations. New York: Oxford. Pp. 63-64.
    Bonner, R., "A Once-Peaceful Village Shows The Roots of Rwanda's Violence." New York Times. July 11, 1994. Pp. A1, A8.
    Dower, J.W., "Patterns of A Race War." War Without Mercy. New York: Pantheon. 1986. Pp. 3-14.
    Brooke, J., "The New South Americans: Friends and Partners." New York Times. April 8, 1994. P. A3.
    Friedman, T.L., "Australia Goes Pacific." New York Times. August 30, 1995. P. A17.
    Farnsworth, C.H., "Aborigine Enters History Books, 100 Years Late." New York Times. August 15, 1997. P. A4.
    Passell, P., "Why the Richest Nations Want to Insure the Rest." New York Times. June 18, 1995. Sec. 4. P. 3.
    Pollack, A., "I.M.F., With the Help of Asians, Offers Thais $16 Billion Bailout." New York Times. August 12, 1997. Pp. A-1, D4.
    McNeil, Jr., D.G., "Once Bitter Enemies, Now Business Partners." New York Times. September 24, 1996. Pp. D1, D8.
    Anonymous, "The World's Shrinking Armies." New York Times. May 30, 1994. P. A16.
    Iyer, P., "The Global Village Finally Arrives." Time. Fall 1993. Pp. 86-87.
    Anonymous. Human Development Report 1996. United Nations Development Programme. New York: Oxford University Press. 1996. Pp. 12, 16-17, 20-21.
    Karatnycky, A., "The Comparative Survey of Freedom 1995-1996." Freedom in the World: The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties, 1995-1996. Freedom House Survey Team. 1996. New York: Freedom House. Pp. 3-13.
    Parshall, G., "A 'glorious mongrel'." U.S. News & World Report. September 25, 1995. P. 4.
    Rimer, S., "Felons and Farmers Lock Arms in the Flood." New York Times. July 29, 1993. Pp. A1, D23.
    Broad, W.J., "For Killer Asteroids, Respect at Last." New York Times. May 14, 1996. Pp. C1, C7.
    Brozan, N. New York Times. April 8, 1994. P. B7.
    Brimelow, P. Alien Nation. New York: Random House. 1995. Pp. 3-57, 216-21.

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