Fall, 1997-98

Prof. H. F. Taylor

|Week 1|Week 2|Week3|Week 4|Week 5|Week 6|
|Week 7|Week 8|Week 9|Week 10|Week 11|Week 12|

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: History of Intelligence Testing in America; History and Overview of Standardized Testing (Ability and Achievement Testing)

Week 3: Conceptualization and Measurement of Intelligence; Issues in Validity, Reliability, and Sensitivity; Cultural Fairness; Dimensionality; Other Issues

Week 4: Conceptualization and Measurement of Social Class Stratification and Mobility

Week 5: Conceptualization of Race and Ethnicity

Week 6: Midterm Week (Midterm Examination)

(No new reading assignments).

Week 7: Analyzing "The Bell Curve": The Nature-Nurture Controversy

Week 8: Analyzing "The Bell Curve": Class, Race, and Gender Inequality in America

Week 9: Education: Labeling and Expectancy Effects; Tracking Effects; Coaching Effects in Standardized Testing; Direct Impact Manipulation for Race and Gender; Stereotype Activation; and Gender Differences.

Week 10: Occupation: Occupational Testing, Validity and Policy

Week 11: Policy Issues and the Herrnstein-Murray Syllogism (Affirmative Action in Education; Affirmative Action in Jobs; Minority Education; Welfare policy; Immigration Policy) (WEEKS 11 and 12 TOGETHER)

Week 12: Race, Class, and Public Policy (WEEKS 11 and 12 TOGETHER)

blanche@phoenix.princeton.edu August 1997