Fall, 1997
Tuesdays 1:30-4:20 p.m.
Wilcox, Seminar Room

Patricia Fernandez-Kelly
Princeton University
Office of Population Research and Department of Sociology
21 Prospect Avenue
Office Hours: Fridays, by Appointment, Tel: (609)
16|September 23|September
30|October 7|October 14|October
21|November 4|November
18|November 25|December
Bibliography|Readings and Links|
A major consequence of the Civil Rights
Movement was the passage
of legislation to establish anti-discriminatory and set-aside programs for
women and racial minorities. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act --
outlawing employer discrimination against blacks and other minorities --
and Executive Order 11246 -- requiring federal contractors to establish
affirmative-action plans for complying with Title VII-- became the
centerpieces of the new policies. Narrowly construed, affirmative action
refers only to these items of legislation and their response in the public
and private sectors. In everyday usage, however, it embraces all efforts
to improve minority job opportunities that go beyond eliminating formal
discrimination, regardless of whether these efforts are mandated by
federal law. Although affirmative action Programs had opponents from the
beginning, it was only in the 1980s that they came under serious attack.
As the century draws to an end concrete steps are being taken to reverse
government policies that have been in existence for nearly thirty years.
The time is ripe to review the history of affirmative action, its effects
and possible alternatives for the next century.
The objectives of this course are to:
- Provide an overview of the historical and political
circumstances that led to the implementation of government programs to
protect and promote racial and ethnic minorities;
- Critically examine the costs and benefits of those programs;
- Systematically inquire whether it is within the proper domain
of government to restore racial/ethnic equality. Specifically, we ask
which, if any, aspects of race/ethnic relations should be subjects of
public policy.
The course begins with a historical sketch pinpointing moments in
the evolution of governmental actions regarding race/ethnic relations. We
will take a broad view beginning with the examination of legislation
regulating the place of minorities since the nineteenth century and
culminating with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
That introduction will be followed by a review of the costs and
benefits of affirmative action. We will analyze information derived from
statistical analysis and case studies illustrating particular issues. A
special concern will be to investigate the unintended consequences of
affirmative-action policies at the local level and in various areas of
social and economic activity. The tension between economic efficiency and
procedural justice will serve to anchor our review. Among the issues to
be examined are: the pros and cons of racial/ethnic categorization; the
rise of concerns over reverse discrimination; the extent to which the
intention of affirmative action has been subverted by variations in
socio-economic status; and the ways in which government policies regarding
sexual equality differ and/or converge with equivalent policies regarding
race and ethnicity.
Finally, the course will explore alternatives to current
modalities of affirmative action within the public and private sectors.
Special attention will be given to proposals for the implementation of
policies based on social class and income rather than race or ethnicity.
In this portion of the course we will also explore government actions
(investment in education, mentorship programs, business formation) that
may have an indirect but positive effect on racial equality.

Introduction.- Topics, readings and requirements.- Basic terms and
understandings.- The sociological approach.- Agency and structure.-
Science defined.- Ideology.- Subjectivism and objectivity reconsidered.-
Politics and policy.
Refer to enclosures.

- Historical Antecedents.- Abolitionists and Suffragists.-
Legislating the limits of race and gender: Bradwell v. Illinois (1873) and
Minor v. Happerset (1895).- Amendments XIV, XV and XIX to the
Constitution of the United States.- The Advent of Jim Crow: Plessy v.
Ferguson (1896).- The demise of Jim Crow: Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka (1954).- Safeguarding the rights of women as mothers and workers.-
Protective Legislation and the family wage.
Required Readings:
- Woodward, C. Vann, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. New
Oxford University Press, 1974.
- Rothenberg, Paula S. (Editor). Racism and Sexism: An
Integrated Study. New York: St Martin's Press, 1988.
- Race and Ethnic Relations 96/97: Race and Ethnicity in the
American Legal Tradition.

- The Politics and Economics of Race.- The changing meanings of race
and ethnicity: a comparative review.- Nomenclature: race as a biological
notion, social construction, and ideological term.- Signals and symbols:
the role of phenotype, color and genetic endowment.- Class and gender as
political vectors.- Ethnicity and culture.- Racism and ethnocentrism.- The
blurring boundaries of race and ethnicity. The legislative record.- Race,
class, and the city.
Required Readings:
- Lee, Sharon M., "Racial Classifications in the US Census:
1890-1990." Ethnic and Racial Studies, 16 1(January):75-79, 1993.
- Wright, Lawrence, "One Drop of Blood." The New Yorker,
July 25,
- Discover Magazine (Special Issue on the Science of Race) 15,
II (November), 1994.
- Gould, Stephen Jay, "The Hottentot Venus," and "Carrie Buck's
Daughter." In The Flamingo's Smile: Reflections in Natural
History. New York: W.W. Norton, 1984: 291- 318.

- Ethnic Stratification.- Nation, teritory and ethnicity: a
comparative overview.- Causes and consequences of migration.- Structures
of opportunity; structures of inequality.- Ethnic minorities.-
Assimilation, acculturation and resistance.- Patterns and consequences of
contact.- Issues of class and gender.- Labor migration, middleman
minorities and ethnic enclaves.- Four cases: European Americans, African
Americans, Jewish Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans.
Required Readings:
- Fernandez-Kelly, M.Patricia. "Migration, Race and Ethnicity in the
Design of the American City." Urban Revisions: Current Projects for
the Public Realm. Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art and
Press, 1994.
- Fernandez-Kelly, M. Patricia and Richard Schauffler. "Divided
Fates: Immigrant Children in a Restructured Economy."
International Migration Review 28 xxviii:662-689.
- Massey, Douglas S. 1994. American Apartheid: Segregation, and
the Making of the Underclass. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

- The Civil Rights Act of 1964.- Executive Order 11246.- The Office
of Federal Contract Compliance and the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission.- Legislating racial and ethnic equality: Griggs v. Duke Power
Company (1971).- The case for reverse discrimination: University of
California Regents v. Bakke (1978). The U.S. Commission on civil Rights.-
The debate on Goals and Quotas. Emerging Issues: Economic efficiency
versus procedural justice.
Required Readings:
- Glazer, Nathan. Affirmative Discrimination: Ethnic Inequality
and Public Policy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.
- Sowell, William. Ethnic America. New York: Basic Books:
- United States Commission on Civil Rights. "Funding Federal Civil
Rights Enforcement," Washington, DC, 1995.
- Duncan, Duddley and Beverly Duncan, "A Methodological Analysis of
Segregation Indexes." American Sociological Review 20, No.

- Affirmative action in employment.- Economic change and employment
opportunity since the 1960s.- Race and Ethnicity in the labor force:
Statistical and ethnographic profiles.- Ethnic and racial categorization:
Uses and paradoxes.- Effects of government legislation.- Is restoring
equity in the labor market a legitimate subject of public policy?
Required Readings:
- Feagin, Joe R. "The Continuing Significance of Race: Anti-Black
Discrimination in Public Places." American Sociolgoical Review 56
(February 1991): 101-116.
- Jencks, Christopher. "Affirmative Action or Quotas?" In
Christopher Jencks, Rethinking Social Policy: Race, Poverty, and
the Underclass. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Kasinitz, Philip and Jan Rosenberg. "Missing the Connection:
Social Isolation and Employment on the Brooklyn Waterfront." Working
Paper, Michael Harrington Center for Democratic Values and Social
Change. Queens College/ City University of New York.

- Affirmative Action in Education.- Education and socio-economic
mobility in the United States.- Elementary and secondary education: the
financial issues.- Schools as sorters and segregators.- The debate over
Busing.- Compensatory education and tracking.- What is the proper role of
government vis-a-vis education?
Required Readings:
- "What Must be Equal for Educational Opportunity to be Equal?"
Ethics 8(April 1988): 518-533.
- Alexander, Karl L. and Edward L. McDill. "Curriculum Tracking
and Educational Stratification: Some Further Evidence." American
Sociological Review 43(1978): 47-66.
- Orfield, G. and F. Paul, "Patterns of Decline in Minority Access
to Higher Education in Five Metropolitan Areas." Educational
Record 69(1988): 52-56.
- Matute-Bianchi, M.G. "Ethnic Identities and Patterns of School
Success and Failure Among Mexican-Descent and Japanese-American
Students in a California High School." American Journal of
Education 95:233-255.

- Nondiscrimination in Housing.- Residential segregation and
publicly subsidized housing projects.- Relevant legislation.- The role of
financial institutions.- Red-lining and block-busting in historical
perspective.- New strategies: Dispersing the poor and racially different.
Required Readings:
- Levine, Hillel and Lawrence Harmon. The Death of an American
Jewish Community: A Tragedy of Good Intentions. New York: The Free
Press, 1993
- Anglin, Roland. "Searching for Justice: Court-Inspired Housing
Policy as a Mechanism for Social and Economic Mobility." Urban Affairs
Quarterly 29(3) (March 1994): 447.
Recommended Reading:
- Goering, John, Ali Kamely, and Todd Richardson. The Location and
Racial Composition of Public Housing in the United States.
Washington, DC: Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1993.

- Contemplating the Alternatives I.- (a) The case for the
elimination of racial/ethnic and sexual classifications; (b) The case for
government allotments on the basis of family earnings;
Required Reading:
- Carter, Stephen. Reflections of an Afirmative Action Baby.
New York: Basic Books, 1991.

- Contemplating the Alternatives II.- (c) The laissez faire alternative;
(d) Redesigning economic and political incentives; (e) The case for
social solutions; (e) The case for community-based programs.
Required Reading:
- Oliver, Melvin. Black Wealth/White Wealth. New York:
- Attendance is mandatory as we will use our time together to
sharpen analytical skills and cover topics that may not be explicitly
discussed in the readings. Unjustified absences may result in the
subtraction of points from the final grade.
- Report on Affirmative Action: Past and Future Possibilities
- For details, see enclosed memorandum.
- The grading criteria for individual and collective reports
are as follows:
- (a) Familiarity with assigned readings = 33 points
- (b) clarity of expression and logical coherence = 33
- (b) evidence of analytical and comparative ability = 33

- Alexander, Karl L. en Edward L. McDill. "Curriculum Tracking and
Educational Stratification: Some Further Evidence." American
Sociological Review 43(1978): 47-66.
- ------------------. "Selection and Allocation within Schools."
American Sociological Review 41 (1976): 963-980
- Alwin, D.F. and A. Thornton. "Family Origins and the Schooling
Process: Early Versus Late Influence of Parental Characteristics."
American Sociological Review 49(1984):784-802.
- Anglin, Roland. "Searching for Justice: Court-Inspired Housing
Policy as a Mechanism for Social and Economic Mobility." Urban Affairs
Quarterly 29(3) (March 1994): 447.
- Asian-Pacific American Public Policy Institute. "Common Ground:
Perspectives on Affirmative Action and its Impact on Asian Americans."
- Appelbaum, Elaine. "Restructuring Work: Temporary, Part-time and
At-Home Employment." In Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and
Women's Employment. Heidi Hartmann (ed.). Washington, DC: National
Academy Press, 1986.
- Baron, James N. "A Woman's Place is with Other Women: Sex Segregation
within Organizations." In Barbara E. Reskin (ed.), Sex Segregation in
the Workplace: Trends, Explanations and Remedies (Washington, DC
1984): 27-55.
- Beller, Andrea H., "Changes in the Sex Composition of U.S.
Occupations, 1960-1981." Journal of Human Resources 20, No.
2(Spring, 1985): 235-50.
- Bendick, M., C.W. Jackson, V.A. Reinoso and L.E. Hodges.
"Discrimination against Latino Job Applicants: a Controlled Experiment."
In J.A. Kromkowski (ed.), Race and Ethnic Relations 93/94: 86093.
- Bergman, Barbara R. "Why Wage Realignment under the Rubric of
'Comparable Worth' Makes Economic Sense." In Heidi I. Hartmann, ed.,
Comparable Worth: New Directions for Research (Washington, DC
- Blau, Francine D. and Marianne A. Ferber. The Economics of Women,
Men, and Work. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986.
- Blau, Francine D. and Wallace E. Hendricks, "Occupational Segregation
by Sex: Trends and Prospects." Journal of Human Resources 14, No.
2(Spring, 1979): 197-210.
- Bound, John and Richard Freeman. "What Went Wrong? The Erosion of the
Relative Earnings and Employment of Young Black Men in the 1980s."
Department of Economics, University of Michigan, 1990.
- Botwinick, Howard J. Wage Differentials and the Competition of
Capitals. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992.
- Brinton, M.C. "Gender Stratification and Human Capital Development
Systems." Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, 1987.
- Burtless, Gary (ed.). A Future of Lousy Jobs: The Changing
Structure of U.S. Wages. Washington, DC: Brookins Institution, 1990.
- Cherlin, Andrew. The Changing American Family and Public
Policy. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, 1988.
- Chinhui, Juhn. "The Decline of Male Labor Market Participation: The
Role of Declining Market Opportunities." Department of Economics,
University of Chicago, 1991.
- Coleman, James, Thomas Hoffer, and Susan Kilgore. High School
Achievement: Public, Catholic, and Other Private Schools Compared.
New York: Basic Books, 1982.
- DeMott, Benjamin. "Put on a Happy Face: Masking the Differences
Between Blacks and Whites." Harpers (September 1995).
- Duncan, Dudley and Beverly Duncan. "A Methodological Analysis of
Segregation Indexes." American Sociological Review 20, no.
- Ehrenberg, Ronald G. and Robert S. Smith. "Comparable Worth in the
Public Sector." National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper
no. 1471, 1984.
- England, Paula. "Explanations of Job Segregation and the Sex Gap in
Pay." In Comparable Wealth: Issue for the 80s. A Consultation Paper of
the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. 1984.
- Entwisle, Doris R. and Karl L. Alexander. "Entry into School: The
Beginning School Transition and Educational Stratification in the United
States." Annual Review of Sociology 19(1993): 401-23.
- Feagin, Joe R. "The Continuing Significance of Race: Anti-Black
Discrimination in Public Places." American Sociological Review, 56
(February 1991): 101-116.
- Ferber, Marianne. "Labor Market Participation of Young Married Women:
Causes and Effects." Journal of Marriage and Family 44, no.2(May
- Ferber, Marianne. "What is the Worth of 'Comparable Worth'?"
Journal of Marriage and Family 44, no.4(Fall 1986):267-82.
- Fox Piven, Frances. "Women and the State: Ideology, Power and the
Welfare State." Socialist Review 74 (1984): 14.
- Freeman, Richard. "Black Economic Progress after 1964: Who Has Gained
and Why?" In Sherwin Rosen, ed., Studies in Labor Markets
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981): 247-294.
- Gamoran, A. "Instructional and Institutional Effects of Ability
Grouping." Sociology of Education 59(1986): 185-198.
- Ginsburg, Fay. Contested Lives: The Abortion Debate in an American
Community. (Berkeley, 1989).
- Glazer, Nathan. Affirmative Discrimination: Ethnic Inequality and
Public Policy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.
- Goering, John, Ali Kamely, and Todd Richardson. The Location and
Racial Composition of Public Housing in the United States. Washington,
DC: Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1993.
- Goldsmith, William W. and Edward J. Blakely. Separate Societies:
Poverty and Inequality in U.S. Cities. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press, 1992.
- Gregory, Robert and Vivian Ho. "Equal Pay and Comparable Worth: What
Can the U.S. Learn from the Australian Experience?" Australian National
University, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper
- Gross. "Plus Ca Change...? The Sexual Structure of Occupations Over
Time." Social Problems 16, no. 1(Fall, 1988): 198-208.
- Harrison, Bennett and Lucy Gorham. "What Happened to Black Wages in
the 1980s: Family Incomes, Individual Earnings, and the Growth of the
African-American Middle Class." Working paper No. 90-1, Carnegie
Mellon University School of Urban and Public Affairs, Pittsburgh, PA,
- Hartmann, Heidi I. (ed.). Comparable Worth: New Directions for
Research. (Washington, DC 1989).
- Hochschild, Jennifer. Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class
and the Soul of the Nation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
- Jarret, Robin L. "Community Context, Intrafamilial Processes, and
Mobility Outcomes: Ethnographic Contributions to the Study of
African-American Families and Children in Poverty." Northwestern
University Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, 1993.
Jencks, Christopher. "Affirmative Action or Quotas?" In Christopher
Jencks, Rethinking Social Policy: Race, Poverty and the Underclass.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Johnson George and Gary Solon. "Pay Differences between Women's and
Men's Jobs: The Empirical Foundations of Comparable Worth Legislation."
National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper #1472 (1984).
- Johnston William B. Johnston and Arnold E. Packer. Workforce 2000,
Work and Workers in the Twenty-First Century: (Indianapolis 1987).
- Kasinitz, Philip and Jan Rosenberg. "Missing the Connection: Social
Isolation and Employment on the Brooklyn Waterfront." Working
Paper, Michael Harrington Center for Democratic Values and Social
Change. Queens College/ City University of New York.
- Kirschenman, Joleen and Kathryn Neckerman. "'We'd Love to Hire Them,
But...': The Meaning of Race to Employers." In Christopher Jencks and
Paul Peterson (eds.), The Urban Underclass (Washington: Brookings
Institution, 1991): 203-232.
- Lamar, Martha, Allan Mallach, and John M. Payne. "Mount Laurel at
Work: Affordable Housing in New Jersey, 1983-88." Rutgers Law
Review 41(1988):1201.
- Lazear, Edward P. Symposium on Women in the Labor Market, Economic
Perspectives 3, no. 1 (Winter, 1989):3-8.
- Lee, V.E. and A.S. Bryk. "Curriculum Tracking as Mediating the Social
Distribution of Achievement in Catholic and Public Secondary Schools."
Working paper 87-01-02. Benton Center for Curriculum and Instruction,
University of Chicago, 1987.
- Leonard, Jonathan. "Affirmative Action as Earnings Redistribution:
The Targeting of Compliance Reviews." Journal of Labor Economics,
3 (July 1985): 363-384.
- Leonard, Jonathan S. "Women and Affirmative Action." Economic
Perspectives 3, no. 1 (Winter, 1989): 61-75.
- Levine, Hillel and Lawrence Harmon. The Death of an American
Jewish Community: A Tragedy of Good Intentions. New York: The Free
Press, 1993
- Luker, Kristin. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood.
Berkeley, 1984.
- Mansbridge, Jane. How We Lost the ERA. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1986.
- MacKinnon, Catharine. "Feminist Approaches to Sexual Assault in
Canada and the United States: A Brief Retrospective." In Constance
Backhouse and David H. Flaherty (eds.), Challenging Times: The Women's
Movement in Canada and the United States. Montreal and Kingston:
McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992.
- -------------------. Towards a Feminist Theory of the State.
Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- Mansbridge, Jane. How We Lost the ERA. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1986.
- Massey, Douglas L. "American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of
the Underclass." American Journal of Sociology 96 2(September
1990): 329-57.
- Matute-Bianchi, M.G. "Ethnic Identities and Patterns of School Success
and Failure Among Mexican-Descent and Japanese-American Students in a
California High School." American Journal of Education 95:233-255.
- Moss, Philip and Chris Tilly. "Soft" Skills and Race: An
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- Nathanson, Constance A. Dangerous Passage: The Social Control of
Sexuality in Women's Adolescence. Philadelphia: Temple University
Press, 1991.
- National Committee on Pay Equity. "The Wage Gap: Myths and Facts."
In Paula S. Rothenberg (ed.), Racism and Sexism: An Integrated
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- Newman, Sandra and Anne Schnare. "Back to the Future: Housing
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- North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development.
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- Oliver, Melvin L. and Tom Shapiro. Black Wealth/White Wealth: A
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- Chandler, Mittie O. "Public Housing Desegregation: What are the
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- Opalski, Douglas V. "Jobs, Housing, Transportation: A Balance through
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- Orfield, G.and F. Paul. "Patterns of Decline in Minority Access to
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