They are behind the counters of fast-food restaurants, examining test tubes in a lab; they spend their days watching small children, and teaching in university classrooms. They represent every position on the employment spectrum; yet collectively, they are lumped together under one label. They are the Latinas of the Princeton area.
What has life been like for these immigrant women here in the United States? How has their ethnic identity played a role in their professional lives? In examining Latino women and employment, I was also interested in exploring their lives in their home countries. What had life been like for them there? What compelling reasons did they have for leaving, and how did they eventually come to adjust to life in the United States? As working minority women, what challenges do they face, and how have they worked to overcome them?
Five Latino women were the subjects of my study, each with a unique job. Their situations range from the professional life of a chemical engineer to the invisible economy of a baby-sitter. Yet even in this assorted mix of individuals, some essential similarities can be seen. First, each came to the United States with the desire to either receive an education or to find employment. Circumstances in each of their native countries necessitated a departure if financial or academic success were to be achieved. Curiously, those who came here for economic purposes (in search of employment) are currently in the midst of further skill training, in order to advance their employment standing. A sense of self-betterment and improvement pervades each of these women's stories, as they try to achieve a level of educational and economic success not possible in their native countries.
Another characteristic of their employment experiences seen across the board has been that of a lack of permanence. In all but one situation, the duration of their present position is uncertain. For some, it is their own choice - they are contemplating a return to their home countries, and therefore are not searching for permanent positions. But for half, it is their employers that are ultimately controlling the length of their employment.
What follows are the narratives of five Latino women, each highlighting a unique experience of the employed Latinas of the Princeton area.
The feeling of "rootlessness" expressed by Sarah appears to be a common factor in all of these women's stories. This perhaps is what has given rise to the lack of permanence apparent in their lives. Some, like Josefina, Maria, and Antonia, are in the process of digging out niches in which to lay down roots. They perceive their moves to the United States to be permanent ones, and are thus working to establish themselves. Others, namely Angela and Sarah, seem to view their time in this country simply as training periods for eventual success in their homelands. For these, this lack of permanence is self-imposed, since they have no desire to establish lasting ties to the United States.
The assorted experiences of these five women cannot be seen as being tied directly to their being Latinas. In fact, it would be quite simple to imagine their stories with places such as Italy, Germany, or Yugoslavia substituted as their nations of origin. The struggles with language and culture, the difficulties stemming from lack of experience, the problem of prejudices and common misconceptions: all these are to be expected by many immigrant groups. At the same time, the spirit of self-improvement and anticipation of advancement can be found among other groups as well.
What then truly unites all of these women interviewed? I believe it is their spirit of independence, traveling to this country alone, supporting themselves and often a family, whether back home or here in the United States. The courage each displayed crosses over any ethnic label, and instead places these individuals in a category in which they truly belong : that of strong, independent women.