SOC 530
Selected Topics in Social Processes: Cultural
Professor Michèle
Department of Sociology
Princeton University
This seminar will meeting during the first six weeks of the Spring
semester on Tuesdays between 9:00-12:00 in 2-N-13 Green Hall.
Because a general survey of cultural sociology was offered
last year in the department, this year's seminar will focus on a few
selected areas with the goal of helping graduate students identify gaps in
the literature and define their own research agenda. Particular attention
will be paid to comparative scholarship and comparative research
strategies, as well as to the most recent literature. We will focus on the
following areas: cultural repertoires and agency, boundaries, identity,
inequality, and status.
Students are given responsibility for leading the discussion
of specific readings in class. You are also asked to prepare short
analytical memos on the readings (app. 3 pages) for three of the
meetings. At the end of the seminar, you are also asked to submit a longer
memo (7-10 pages) on your research agenda.
Our meetings are spread over six short weeks. Given time
constrains, I have attempted to keep required readings within limits, with
the assumption that students particularly interested in the field will
initiate individual reading courses with faculty members. Optional
readings, which are preceded by an asterisk, will be presented by a
seminar member to the group. More suggested readings will be provided as
we go along.
Meeting #1 (Friday February 6): The
Current State of American Cultural Sociology
Diana Crane, l995. "Introduction: Culture Syllabi and the
Sociology of Culture: What do Syllabi Tell Us?" Pp. 1-6 in Course
Syllabi for the Sociology of Culture, edited by Diana Crane and Magali
Sarfatti Larson. American Sociology Association, Teaching Resource Center.
Wendy Griswold, l992. "A Methodological Framework for the
Sociology of Culture" Sociological Methodology.
Elisabeth Long, l997. From Sociology to Cultural
Studies. New York: Basil Blackwell. Introduction.
Michael Schudson, l997. "Cultural Studies and the Construction
of Social Construction: Notes on 'Teddy Bear Patriarchy." Pp. 379-398 in
From Sociology to Cultural Studies, edited by Elizabeth Long. New
York: Basil Blackwell.
*Michèle Lamont and Robert Wuthnow, 1990. "Betwixt and
Between: Recent Cultural Sociology in Europe and the United States." Pp.
287-315 in Frontiers of Social Theory: the New Syntheses, edited by
George Ritzer. New York: Columbia University Press.
Meeting #2 (Tuesday, February 10):
Comparative Research Strategies: From National Character to Cultural
Repertoires and Cultural Structures
Ann Swidler, l986. "Culture in Action: Symbols and
Strategies." American Sociological Review. 51: 273-86.
William Sewell, Jr., 1992 "A Theory of Structure: Duality,
Agency, and Transformation." American Journal of Sociology. 98 (1):
Mabel Berezin, 1997. "Politics and Culture: A Less Fissured
Terrain." Annual Review of Sociology. 23: 361-83.
Sarah Corse, l997. Nationalism and Literature: The Politics
of Culture in Canada and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Chapters 1 and 7.
Yasemin Soysal, 1994. Limits of Citizenship: Migrants and
Postnational Membership in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press. Chapters 3 and 8.
Robert Wuthnow, 1987. Meaning and Moral Order. Berkeley:
University of California Press. Selections.
Lyn Spillman, 1997. Nation and Commemoration. Creating
National Identities in the United States and Australia. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1 and 5.
*Charles Tilly, l993. "Contentious Repertoires in Great
Britain, 1758-1834." Social Science History. 17 (2):
Meeting #3 (Tuesday, February
17): Symbolic Boundaries, Logics of Action, Principles of
Evaluation, and Networks
Paul DiMaggio, l997. "Culture and Cognition." Annual
Review of Sociology. 23:263-87.
Roger Friedland and Robert Alford, 1991. "Bringing Society Back
in: Symbols, Practices, and Institutional Contradictions." Pp. 223-62
in The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, edited by
W.W. Powell and Paul DiMaggio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Nicolas Dodier, 1993. "Action as a Combination of Common
Worlds." The Sociological Review. 41 (3): 556-71.
Laurent Thevenot, 1995. "New Trends in French Social Sciences"
Culture. 9 (2): 1-3.
Michèle Lamont, 1992, Money, Morals, and Manners: The
Culture of the French and American Upper-Middle Class. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press. Introduction and conclusion. Also excerpts
published in Reading Sociology, Exploring the Architecture of Everyday
Life, ed. by David N. Newman, Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press, pp.
Mustafa Emirbayer, l997. "Manifesto for a Relational
Sociology." American Journal of Sociology. 103 (2):
Meeting # 4: (Tuesday, February 24):
Identity, Class, Gender, and the Linguistic Turn
Karen A. Cerulo, l997. "Identity Construction: New Issues,
New Direction." Annual Review of Sociology. 23: 385-409.
Geoff Eley, l996. "Is All the World a Text? From Social History
to the History of Society Two Decades Later." Pp. 193-243 in The
Historic Turn in the Human Sciences, edited by Terence J. McDonald,
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
William A. Gamson. 1992. Talking Politics. New York:
Cambridge University Press. Selections, chapter 5.
Joane Nagel. Forthcoming. "Masculinity and Nationalism: Gender
and Sexuality in the Making of Nations." Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Charles Tilly. 1998. Durable Inequality. Berkeley:
University of California Press. Chapters 1 and 2.
*Joan Scott, l987. "Gender: a Useful Category of Historical
Analysis." Pp. 28-50 in Gender and the Politics of History. New
York: Columbia University Press.
*David Halle. 1984. America's Working Man. Chicago: the
University of Chicago Press, selections.
*Craig Calhoun, 1994. "Social Theory and the Politics of
Identity." Pp. 9-36 in Social Theory and the Politics of Identity,
edited by Craig Calhoun. Cambridge: Blackwell.
Meeting #5: (Tuesday, March 3): How
is Culture Understood in the Literatures on Race, Ethnicity, Immigration,
and Racism?
William Julius Wilson, l996. When Work Disappears. The
World of the New Urban Poor. New York: Vintage. Chapter. 3.
Douglas Massey and Nancy E. Denton, 1993. American
Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Chapter 6.
Ruben G. Rumbaut, 1997. "Assimilation and its Discontents:
Between Rhetoric and Reality." International Migration Review. 31
Ewa Morawska, Forthcoming. "Ethnicity as the Double Structure:
A Historical-Comparative Approach." Cultural Analysis and Comparative
Research in Social History, edited by Willfried Spohn. Opladen:
Budrich and Leske.
Adrian Favell. 1997. "Citizenship and Immigration: Pathologies
of a Progressive Philosphy." New Community 23 (2): 173-195.
*Aihwa Ong, 1996. "Cultural Citizenship as Subject-Making: Immigrants
Negotiate Racial and Cultural Boundaries in the United States." Current
Anthropology 37 (5): 737-762.
Bonnie L. Mitchell and Joe R. Feagin, 1995. "America's
Racial-Ethnic Cultures: Oppotion within a Mythical Melting Pot." Pp. 65-86
in Toward the Multicultural University, edited by Benjamin P.
Bowser, Tery Jones and Gale Auletta Yougn. Westport: Praeger.
Ruth Frankenberg, 1993. The Social Construction of
Whiteness. White Women, Race Matters. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press. Chapter 7.
Meeting # 6 (Tuesday, March 10): New
Developments in the Study of Status and Cultural Consumption/Reception
Bethany Bryson, 1996. "Anything but Heavy Metal": Symbolic
Exclusion and Musical Dislikes" American Sociological Review 61
(5): 884-899.
Bonnie Erikson, l996. "Culture, Class, and Connections."
American Journal of Sociology, 102: 217-251.
Douglas B. Holt, 1997. "Distinction in America? Recovering
Bourdieu's Theory of Taste from its Critics." Poetics. 25:
Ruth Horowitz, 1997. "Barriers and Bridges to Class Mobility
and Formation: Ethnographies of Stratification." Sociological Methods
and Research. 25 (4): 495-538.
Andrea Press, 1994. "The Sociology of Cultural Perception:
Notes towards an Emerging Paradigm." Pp. 221-45 in Sociology of
Culture: Emerging Theoretical Perspectives, edited by Diana Crane.
London: Basil Blackwell.
Richard Peterson and Roger Kern, 1996. "Changing Highbrow
Taste: From Snob to Omnivore." American Sociological Review. 61:
Phillippe Bourgeois, 1995. In Search of Respect: Selling Crack
in El Barrio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 4.