Econ. 153a |
Fall 1996 |
C. Sims |
Due Wednesday, 11/6. You may collaborate with other students, provided that you write up answers yourself and identify people you have worked with. These questions are meant to resemble what might go on a final exam, though some of them may take a little longer to answer than would real exam questions. To get the most benefit, you should probably work at the questions on your own first, before consulting with others. The point scores on this exercise will make up 10% of the overall course grade.
1. What are the implications of the standard Solow growth model with
Cobb-Douglas technology when ?
Is there a steady state value of k? Does the growth rate converge
to some limiting value as
2. Consider the Solow model with a CES production function, i.e. with
![]() |
(1) |
In this production function we require
, with
producing the Cobb-Douglas special case. An interesting fact is that when
, not every
set of values for the other parameters s,a
, n, A, and implies the existence of a steady state with
[Note that the answers to these two questions may be different according
to whether
3. In the Solow model with CES production function we can introduce
purely labor-augmenting technical change and still possibly find a steady-state.
(We know this because it is true with any linear homogenous production
function in the Solow model.) That is, we can replace L in with
, and possibly
find that the model converges to a steady state in which
is constant, under the usual assumption of exogenous population growth
at the rate n. On the other hand, this is not in general true if
instead we have capital-augmenting technical change, i.e. we replace K
in with
4. Consider a two-period life OG model with a distorting tax on capital. That is, we assume as usual that consumers born at t maximize
subject to
The tax is paid by consumers, so the price paid for capital by firms, Q, is still 1+r, despite the existence of the tax. The parameter g is a per capita transfer payment to the young, financed out of the tax on capital. The government budget constraint is
Assume the capital tax rate is fixed at
and (as usual) that population grows at the constant rate
Assume also that firms use a Cobb-Douglas technology:
5. The Solow model is traditionally presented in continuous time. A discrete time version would make the following changes in the equations
Continuous Time |
Discrete Time |
Can you derive an expression for steady state capital stock and output per worker in the discrete time version? Does it depend on parameters in the same way as the corresponding continuous time expression?
6. The Solow model assumes a constant rate of savings out of gross output (including depreciation). In the OG model, the savings rate out of gross output varies systematically with the parameters of the model.