Shalva Jessica Weil

NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education
Hebrew University
Mt Scopus


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Education-Senior Lecturer
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education-Senior Researcher
   -  Academic Director, Program for Training Ethiopian Immigrants as Teachers

Founding Chairperson: Israel-India Cultural Association
International scientific coordinator, Society for the Study of Ethiopian Jews
Delegate to the Permanent Council of the International Union of Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)


General Editor-World Heritage Press: Hindu-Judaic Studies Series
Editor  - Hindu-Jewish dialogue- International Journal of Hindu Studies

Member editorial board -  Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies
Member editorial board - South Asian Anthropology

Courses at Ben-Gurion University, Dept. of Education:
-Jewish Education in non-Western Societies.
-Qualitative Methods (with special multi-cultural emphasis)


1999 Roots and Routes: Ethnicity and Migration in Global Perspective (S. Weil ed.), Jerusalem: The Magnes Press,
The Hebrew University.

1997  Ethiopian Jews in the Limelight (S. Weil ed.), Jerusalem:  NCJW
Research Institute for Innovation in Education, Hebrew University (Hebrew).

1984  From Cochin to Israel, (S. Weil ed.) Jerusalem: Kumu Berina (Hebrew).


1998 Ethiopian High School Graduates  of the Educational System in Israel,
1987-1989: Past, Present and Future, Jerusalem: The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University (Hebrew).

1991 One-Parent Families among Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel, Jerusalem: The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University   (Hebrew).

1990 The Changing Religious Tradition of Ethiopian Jews in Israel: a Teachers’ Guide, Jerusalem: The Ministry of Education & Culture & The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University (Hebrew).

1989 The Religious Practices & Beliefs of Ethiopian Jews in Israel, Jerusalem: The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University (Hebrew) (Second edition).

1985 The Dynamics of Community Schools in Israel: an Ethnography, Jerusalem: NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University (Hebrew).

Edited journal:
1996 Guest editor, Special Issue on Ethiopian Jewry, Israel Social Science Research, Vol. 10,  No.2.

Articles in Scientific Journals:
1999 “Flora Samuel”, Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2: 150-151.
1999 “An Ethnographic Encounter”, Anthropology and Humanism, Vol. 24, No.2: 189.
1997a  “Religion, Blood and the Equality of Rights: The Case of the Ethiopian Jews in Israel,” International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 4: 397-412.
1997b  "Changing of the Guard: Leadership among Ethiopian Jews in Israel", Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 1, No.4: 301-307.
1997c  “Introduction: Ethiopian Jews in the Limelight,” in Shalva Weil (ed.). Special  Issue on Ethiopian Jewry, Israel Social Science Research, Vol. 10, No.2: iii-viii.
1997d  “Collective Designations and Collective Identity among Ethiopian Jews,” in Shalva Weil, ibid: pp.25-40.
1996  “Religious Leadership vs. Secular Authority: the Case of the Bene Israel", The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 49, Nos. 3& 4: 301-316 .
1995 “It Is Futile to Trust in Man: Methodological Difficulties in Studying Non- Mainstream Populations with Reference to Ethiopian Jews in Israel,” Human Organisation, Vol. 54, No.1:1-9.
1994  “The Secular & Religious Elite among the Bene Israel (Indian Jews)” Pe’amim 60:49-63 (Hebrew).
1991  “Beyond the Sambatyon: the Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes,” Ariel,  Nos. 85-86:25-31.
1989 “Ethiopian Jews in Israel: A Survey of Research & Documentation,” Jewish Folklore & Ethnology Review, Vol. II, No. 1-2:28-32.
1987a “An Elegy in Amharic on Dr. Faitlovitch”, Pe’amim 33:125-127 (Hebrew).
1987b “In Memoriam: Yona Bogale,” Pe’amim 33:140-144 (Hebrew).
1986 “The Language & Ritual of socialization: Birthday Parties in a Kindergarten Context,” Man (N.S.) Vol.21:329-341.
1983a “Women & Language in Israel,” International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 41:77-91.
1983b “The Effect of Ethnic Origin on Children’s Perceptions of their Families,” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. XIV, No.3: 347-366.
1982 “Symmetry between Christians and Jews in India: the Cnanite Christians and the Cochin Jews of Kerala,”  Contributions to Indian Sociology, Vol. 16, No. 2: 175-196.
1981  “Family Perceptions among Pre-Adolescent Children in Israel,” (in collaboration with Rami Benbenishty), in F. Martinson ed., ‘Special Issue: The Child & the Family,’ in Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. XII, No. 1:51-61.
1980a “The State of Research into Bene Israel Indian Jews,”  Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol XVII, No.4:397-408.
1980b “Literature of Jews of India,” in H. Jason ed., ‘Folk Literature of the People of Israel,’ in  Journal of Indian Folkloristics, Vol. 3, No. 5/6: 58-71.
1977a “Names & Identity among the Bene Israel,” Ethnic Groups, Vol. I, No.3: 201-219.
1977b “Verbal Interaction among the Bene Israel,”  International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 13:71-85.
1977c “Verbal Interaction among the Bene Israel,” Linguistics Vol.193:71-85.
1974  “Bene Israel in Britain,”  New Community, Vol.3, Nos. 1-2: 87-91.

Chapters in scientific books:
1999 “Collective Rights and Perceived Inequality: The Case of Ethiopian Jews in Israel”, in Tim Allen and John Eade eds. Divided Europeans: Understanding Ethnicities in Conflict, The Hauge/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International, pp.127-144.
1999 “From Persecution to Freedom: Central European Jewish Refugees and their Jewish Host Communities in India”, in Anil Bhatti and Johannes H. Voigt eds. Jewish Exile in India 1933-1945, New Delhi: Manohar and Max Mueller Bhavan, p.64-86.
1999 “The Life and Death of Solomon Isaac”, in Tudor Parfitt and Emanuela Trevisan Semi eds. The Beta Israel in Ethiopia and Israel: Studies on the Ethiopian Jews, London: Curzon Press, pp.40-49.
1996  “Double Conversion among the ‘Children of Menasseh,’” in Georg Pfeffer & Deepak Kumar Behera eds. Contemporary Society Tribal Studies, New Delhi: Concept, pp.84-102.
1994 “Yom Kippur: the Festival of Closing the Doors,” in Hananya Goodman ed. Between Jerusalem & Benares: comparative Studies in Judaism & Hinduism,  State University of New York Press, pp.85-100.
1993  “Women & Language in Israel,” in Yael Azmon & Dafna N. Izraeli eds. Women in Israel, New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers, pp.363-377.
1988 “Proximal Households’ among Bene Israel Indian Jews in Israel”; in Lea Shamgar-Handelman & Rosella Palomba eds. Alternative Patterns of Family Life in Modern Societies, Roma: Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche, Institute di Recerche Sulta Popolazione, pp.87-103.
1986a “Anthropology becomes Home: Home becomes Anthropology,” in Anthony Jackson ed.,  Anthropology at Home, ASA Monograph No. 25, London: Tavistock Publications  pp.196-212. .
1986b “A Comparison of Christians & Jews in South India,” in Tim Timberg ed.,  The Jews of India, Delhi: Vikas Publication  pp.177-204..
1986c “An Overview of Research on the Bene Israel,” in Tim Timberg ed., ibid.  pp.12-27.
1985 “Ethnicity & the Family: a Q-study of  Israeli Children,” in Alex Weingrod ed., Studies in Israeli Ethnicity: After the Ingathering, New York: Gordon & Breach  pp.81-103.
1984  “Interpersonal Relations & Uses of Language among Bene Israel in Israel,” in Shlomo Deshen & Moshe Shokeid eds., Oriental Jews, Jerusalem: Schocken, pp.306-311 (Hebrew).
1982 “Contacts Between the Bene Israel and the Holy Land from the Eighth Century B.C.E. until 1948: An Ethno-historical Perspective,” in I. Ben-Ami ed., The Sephardi & Oriental Jewish Heritage, Jerusalem:  Magnes Press, The Hebrew University,  1982, pp.165-178.

Encyclopaedia Entries:
1999 “Ethiopia”, Reader’s Guide to Judaism, (Michael Terry ed.), (forthcoming)
1997  “Bene Israel”, The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, (R.J. Zwi Werblowsky and Geoffrey Wigoder eds. in chief),  New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 113.
1996 “Ethiopian Jews”, Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East, (Reeva S. Simon, Philip  Mattar, Richard W. Bulliet eds.), New York: Macmillan,Vol. 2:624-5.
1996 “Bene Israel”, Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East, (Reeva S. Simon, Philip  Mattar, Richard W. Bulliet eds.), New York: Macmillan, Vol. 1: 1994a “India, Zionism  In”, “Indian Jews in Israel”, Encyclopaedia of Zionism and Israel (Geoffrey Wigoder ed.) Associated University Presses, pp. 651-653.
1994b “Ten Tribes”; “Bene Israel”;  Encyclopaedia of Judaism, (Geoffrey Wigoder ed.) Jerusalem: Keter, pp. 99, 475 (Hebrew).
1992  “Bene Israel”, “Cochin Jews,” Encyclopaedia of World Cultures, (Paul Hockings ed.) Boston, Mass: G.K. Hall & Co., Vol. 3:27-29 & 71-73.
1989 “Bene Israel”; “Ethiopian Jews”; “Lost Tribes”, Encyclopaedia of Judaism, (Geoffrey Wigoder ed.) Jerusalem Publishing House, pp. 109-110.

Book Reviews:
1999 The Inter-Cultural Experience- a Reader in Anthropology  by Moshe Shokeid and Shlomo Deshen eds. (Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: Shocken, 1988) Pe’amim, Vol. 77: 152-154 (Hebrew).
1998  Jews of the Raj by Mavis Hyman (London: Hyman Publishers, 1996) The Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1:105-107.
1997 Torah and Veda by Barbara Holdrege (State University of New York Press, Albany), International Journal of Hindu Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2: 427-428.
1995  Surviving Salvation by Ruth Westheimer & Steve Kaplan (New York University Press, 1993), Journal of Religion in Africa, Vol.25, No.1:111-112.
1989 Music, Ritual & Falasha History by Kay Kaufman Shelemay (Michigan State University, 1986), Journal of Religion in Africa, Vol. 19, No.3:276-280.
1985 The Bene Israel of India by Benjamin J. Israel (Bombay: Orient Longman, 1984), Asian & African Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1:131-132.
1981 Childminder by Brian & Sonia Jackson (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979), Journal of Marriage & the Family, Vol. 43, No.1:227-229.

Museum Catalogues
1991 Beyond the Sambatyon: the Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes, Tel-Aviv: Beth  Hatefutsoth,  the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora.

1989 Beta Israel: A House Divided, Binghamton State University of  New York.

1981 The Jews from the Konkan: the Bene Israel Community of India, Tel-Aviv: Beth Hatefutsoth, the Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish Diaspora.
