Q: I have a volume consisting of two midrashim: Otiyot de-Rabi Akiva
and a 2nd midrash entitled: Midrash Alfa betot.
My question is how to establish the uniform title of the 2nd
work. AACR2rev. states that anonymous midrashim are entered under
the title that appears in the EJ. This midrash does not appear there.
Would I go to the collections of midrashim that appear under the article
on Midrashim, Smaller (EJ, v. 16, col. 1518)?
A: "In the EJ" always means "in an article under this heading in the
EJ." So a form of the title in question appearing in the article
headed "Midrashim" is not qualified to be a heading. You should,
of course, refer from what you find in the EJ, using the form "Encyc. Judaica,
1971:$bv. X, col. Y" in the 670.
Q: Should I establish it under the vernacular: Midrash Alfa betot or Alfa betot?
A: If there were an article in the EJ, you would use the EJ's romanization
for the heading (as for personal names, but not for
corporate bodies!). But there's not, so you won't--i.e., you
will use systematic romanization. As for whether the word "Midrash"
appears in the heading, that depends on the usage in the work you are cataloging.
Choose the appropriate one and refer from the other.
130 0 Midrash Alfa betot
430 0 Alfa betot
670 Midrash Otiyot de-Rabi 'A.kiva, 1999:$bt.p. (Midrash
Alfa betot; only extant manuscript found in Bokharah)
675 Ency. Judaica, c1972.