Department of Music
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan, Israel 52900
Tel. 972-3-5318405
Fax 972-3-5347601
academic year 1998/99:
Work experience
1997-present Associate Professor, Department of Music, Bar-Ilan University.
1996-present Deputy Director, Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
1993-present Graduate Councelor, Cantor’s Institute, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York.
1992-1993 Visiting Professor, Judaic Studies Department, Binghamton University (SUNY) and Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York.
1991-1996 Senior Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
1988-1990 Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Tel-Aviv University.
1986-1996 Researcher, Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1986-1990 Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.
1986-1988 Lecturer, Levinsky Teachers' College, Tel-Aviv.
1982-1984 Teacher Assistant, Department of Music, University of California, Los Angeles.
1979 Research Assistant, Eduard Birnbaum Collection Cataloguing Project, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati (an N.E.H. project).
1977-1981 Research Assistant, Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University.
1977-1978 Instructor, The Open University, Tel-Aviv.
1973-1974 Teacher Assistant, Department of Musicology, The Hebrew University.
1972-1974 Research Assistant, Jewish Music Research Centre, The
Hebrew University.
1994-1998 Chairman, Department of Music, Bar-Ilan University.
1984-1985 Executive Coordinator, Latinamerican Section, Sephardic Educational, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1980-1981 Music Division, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Israel.
1981-1984 Music, University of California, Los
Angeles. Dissertation title: “Schir Hakawod and the Liturgical Music Reforms
in the Sephardi Community in Vienna, ca. 1881-1925: A Study of Change
in Religious Music” (1988).
1978-1980 Composition with Professor Andre Hajdu, Israel.
1978-1981 M.A. cum laude in Musicology, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Thesis title: “‘Old’ and ‘New’ in the Singing of Bakkashot among Moroccan Jews in Israel: Historical, Socio-Cultural and Musical Aspects of the Custom of the Bakkashot according to the Book Shir Yedidot”.
1971-1974 B.A. cum laude in Musicology, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
1970-1971 Composition with Maestro Hector Tosar, Uruguay.
1969-1970 Baccalaureate in the Humanities, Uruguay.
1961-1969 Music theory and violin at the Manuel Facio Conservatory, Montevideo, Uruguay.
1961-1971 Violin with Maestro Miguel Szylagy, Uruguay.
Awards received
1992 Sephardic Music Heritage Award, Sephardic House, New York.
1980 Graduate Students' Award, Center for the Integration of the Oriental Jewish Heritage, Ministry of Education and Culture, Israel.
1977 Prize in the memory of Paul Kletzky for graduate music students, The Hebrew University.
1974 Prize of the President of The Hebrew University.
1973 Prize of five outstanding musicians (Arthur Rubinstein and Isaac
Stern among others) for undergraduate music students, The Hebrew University.
Scholarships and Fellowships
1994-1997 Research Grant, The National Israeli Academy of Sciences for research on the popular music of Israel.
1993 Research Grant, Maurice Amado Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio for the publication of a book on Sephardi music.
1990-1993 Research Grants from The National Israeli Academy of Sciences and Misgav Yerushalaim, Institute for the Research of the Oriental Jewry at the Hebrew University for research on the music of the Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire.
1989 Fellowships from the Israel-Spain Cultural Exchange Program and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid.
1985 Doctoral Scholarship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York.
1981-1984 Fellowship, Graduate Division, University of California, Los Angeles.
1981 Study Grant, Maurice Amado Foundation, Los Angeles.
1981 Study Grant, Mutual Education Exchange Program (Fullbright-Hayes Award), United States-Israel Educational Foundation.
Hebrew: Read, Write, Speak
English: Read, Write, Speak
Spanish: Read, Write, Speak
French: Read
Italian: Read, Speak
Professional memberships
1978 Israel Musicological Society
1983 Society for Ethnomusicology
1988 World Union of Jewish Studies
1989 Sociedad Española de Musicología
1989 International Association for the
Study of Popular Music
1990 International Council for Traditional
1990 European Seminar in Ethnomusicology
1992 American Society for Jewish Music
1993 American Association of Jewish Studies
1996 International Musicological Society
Spanish-Portuguese Synagogue Music in Nineteenth-century Reform Sources from Hamburg: Ancient Tradition in the Dawn of Modernity. Jerusalem: Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996, 173 pp. (Yuval Monograph Series 11).
Popular Music in Israel: The First Fifty Years. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard College Library, 1996, 30 pp.
Cancionero sefardí by Alberto Hemsi, edited with an introduction by Edwin Seroussi, in collaboration with Paloma Díaz-Mas, José M. Pedrosa and Elena Romero. Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995, 462 pp.
Mizimrat Qedem: The Life and Music of R. Isaac Algazi from Turkey. Jerusalem:
Renanot, Institute for Jewish Music, 1989, 111 pp. + 73 pp. [H]. Accompanied
by two cassettes: R. Isaac Algazi: Cantorial Compositions, Piyyutim and
Judeo-Spanish Songs, edited by Ezra Barnea and Edwin Seroussi. Review:
Turkish Music Quarterly 3/1 (1990), 10-13.
Musical Notations of Zemirot (Sabbath Table Songs) in an Eighteenth-Century Manuscript at the Prague National Library. Studies in Bibliography and Booklore, vol. 20 (1998), 5-24 (With Israel Adler)
Musika osmanit klasit be-kerev yehude saloniki (“Ottoman Classic Music among the Jews of Saloniki”). Ladinar: Mehkarim ba-sifrut, ba-musika uba-historia shel dovrei ladino, ed. Judith Dishon and Shmuel Refael. Tel Aviv 1998, pp. 79-92 [H]
La musique andalouse-marocaine dans les manuscrits hébraïques, Relationes judéo-musulmanes au Maroc - perceptions et réalités, ed. Michel Abitbol. Paris: Editions Stavit 1997, pp. 283-194.
Rabbi Israel Moshe Hazzan on Music. Haham Gaon Memorial Volume, ed. Rabbi Marc D. Angel. New York: Hermon Press 1997, pp. 183-195.
La música en las Coplas de Yosef Hasadic de Abraham Toledo, 1732. Sefarad 56/2 (1996), 377-400.
Beautifying Worship: Music in Early Reform Synagogues of Northern Germany (ca. 1810-1840). Fasch und die Musik in Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts, ed. Guido Bimberg and Rudiger Pfeiffer. Weimar, Köln, Wien: Boehlau Verlag 1995, pp. 241-252. (Fasch Studien IV)
Reconstructing Sephardi Music in the 20th Century: Isaac Levy and his Chants judeo-espagnols. The World of Music (Jewish Musical Culture - Past and Present) 37/1 (1995), 39-58.
Documenting Music in Israel. Documenting Israel, ed. Charles Berlin. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard College Library 1995, pp. 153-166.
Two Spanish-Portuguese ‘Cantorial Fantasias’ from Hamburg (1838). Die Sefarden in Hamburg: Zur Geschichte einer Minderheit. Ertse Teil, herausgegeben von Michael Studemund--Halevy in verbindung mit Peter Koj. Hamburg 1994, pp. 171-184.
El legado español en la música sefardí: estado de la cuestión. Proyección histórica de España en sus tres culturas: Castilla y León, América y el Mediterráneo. 3 vols., ed. Eufemio Lorenzo Sanz. Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y Le?n 1993, vol. 3, pp. 569-578.
Yggaleh kevod malkhutekha: Musical Remarks on a Poem by R. Israel Najara Sung by the Sabbateans. Tarbiz 62/3 (1993), 361-379. [H]
Sephardic Music: A Bibliographical Guide with a Checklist of Notated Sources. Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review 15/2 (1993), 56-61.
New Directions in the Music of the Sephardic Jews. Modern Jews and their Musical Agendas, ed. Ezra Mendelsohn. New York, Oxford 1993, pp. 61-77. (Studies in Contemporary Jewry 9)
On the Beginnings of the Singing of Bakkashot in 19th Century Jerusalem. Pe'amim 56 (1993), 106-124. [H]
La música sefardí en el Imperio Otomano: Nuevas fuentes literarias. Actes del Simposi Internacional sobre Cultura Sefardita, ed. Josep Ribera. Barcelona 1993, pp. 279-294.
R. Joseph Shalom Gallego Author of Imrei No’am: A Cantor from Saloniki in Early 17th-century Amsterdam; with Annotations on the Poets, the Poems by Joseph Shalom Gallego and an Analytical Index by Tova Beeri. Assufot 6 (1992), 87-150. [H]
The Ancient Melodies: On the Antiquity of Music in the Sephardic Liturgy. Pe'amim 50 (1992), 99-131. [H]
Die sephardische Gemeinde in Wien: Geschichte einer orientalisch-jüdischen Enklave in Mitteleuropa. Sephardim Spaniolen: Die Juden in Spanien - Die Sephardische Diaspora, ed. Felicitas Heimann-Jelineck and Kurt Schubert. Einsenstadt 1992, pp. 145-153. (Studia Judaica Austriaca, XIII)
Musica mizrahit and the Realignment of Israeli Society: The Case of Hayyim Moshe. 1789-1989 Musique, Historie, Democratie, 3 vols., ed. Antoine Hennion. Paris 1992, vol. III, pp. 669-672. (with Jeff Halper and Pamela Squires-Kidron)
Between the Eastern and Western Mediterranean: Sephardic Music after the Expulsion from Spain and Portugal. Mediterranean Historical Review, 6/2 (1991), 198-206.
Musicology in Israel 1980-1990. Acta Musicologica 43/2 (1991), 238-268. (with Don Harrán)
The Pe?rev as a Vocal Genre in Ottoman Hebrew Sources. Turkish Music Quarterly 4/3 (1991), 1-9.
From Tugarma to Jerusalem: Isaac Eliyahu Navon and his Contribution to the Israeli Folksong. Dukhan 13 (1991), 120-130. [H]
Judeo-Spanish Contrafacts and Musical Adaptations: The Oral Tradition. Orbis Musicae 10 (1990-1), 164-194. (with Susana Weich-Shahak)
Towards a Hassidic Music Lexicon. Orbis Musicae 10 (1990-1), 118-143. (with Yaacov Mazor)
La música arábigo-andaluza en las baqqashot judeo-marroquíes: Estudio histórico y musical. Anuario Musical 45 (1990), 297--315.
The Turkish Makam in the Musical Culture of the Ottoman Jews: Sources and Examples. Israel Studies in Musicology 5 (1990), 43-68.
The Growth of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong Repertory in the 20th Century. Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division D, 2. Jerusalem 1990, pp. 173-180.
Rabbi Israel Najara: Moulder of Hebrew Sacred Song after the Expulsion from Spain. Assufot 4 (1990), 285-310. [H]
Written Evidence and Oral Tradition: The Singing of Hayom harat olam in Sephardic Synagogues. Musica Judaica 11/1 (1989-1990), 1-26. (Revised and expanded version of: The Musical Performance of Hayom harat olam in Sephardic Communities).
A Hassidic Exemplum in a Judeo-Spanish Homily from the Early 19th Century: A New Source on ‘Secular’ Music in Synagogal Singing. Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 11-12 (1989-1990), 121-138. [H]
The Life and Work of Eduard Birnbaum, Pioneer of Jewish Music Research. Duchan 12 (1989), 27-37. [H]
The Musical Performance of Hayom harat olam in Sephardic Communities: On the Use of Notated Sources in Jewish Music Research. Duchan 12 (1989), 210-227. [H]
Musica mizrahit: Ethnicity and Class Culture in Israel. Popular Music 8/2 (1989), 131-141. (with Jeff Halper and Pamela Squires-Kidron). For an earlier version see: Ethnicity and Class Culture in the Popular Music of Israel. Studies in Socio-Musical Sciences, ed. Joachim Braun and Uri Sharvit. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1998, pp. 171-181.
Sacred Song in an Era of Change: Musical Reforms in Sephardic Synagogues in Austria and the Balkan States. Pe'amim 34 (1988), 84-109. [H]
Politics, Ethnic Identity and Music in the Singing of Bakkashot among Moroccan Jews in Israel. Asian Music 17/2 (1986), 32-45.
La actitud de Maimónides hacia la música: aspectos halájicos y éticos. Sefardica 4 (1985), 25-31.
Change and Continuity in the Singing of Baqqashot among Moroccan Jews in Israel: Transformations in the Symbolic Meaning of a Traditional Music Custom. Pe'amim 19 (1984), 113-129. [H]
Eduard Birnbaum: A Bibliography. Yuval: Studies of the Jewish Music
Research Centre 4 (1982), 170-178.
Articles in Press:
Sacred Songs by Rabbi Moshe Zacut: Their Singing Then and Now, Proceedings of the Conference on Rabbi Moshe Zacut, Ben-Gurion University. [H]
Livorno: A Juncture in the History of Sephardic Liturgical Music. Jews Around the Mediterranean 1550-1850, Bar-Ilan University.
The Ladino Songs in the Bracha Zefira Repertory. Bracha Zefira Memorial Volume. [H]
Songs of Grief and Hope: Ancient Sephardi Melodies for kinot of Tish'a be-Av. Festschift in Honor of Israel Adler.
The Singing of the Sephardi piyyut in Cochin (India). Piyyut in Tradition Series, no. 2, Bar-Ilan University. [H]
From Court and Tarikat to Synagogue: Ottoman Art Music and Hebrew Sacred Songs. Proceedings of the Conference Tassawuf and Music in the Ottoman Empire.
The Singing of the Piyyut in the Ottoman Empire after Israel Najara. Proceedings of the Twelveth World Congress of Jewish Studies.
Hanale was Disconcerted or Is Israel Confused?: Metamorphosis of the “Orient” in Israeli Popular Music. Teoria u-bikoret. [H]
From “Morenica” to “Sheharhoret”: Ladino Songs in the Israeli Repertoire. 100 Years of Culture in Eretz Israel, ed. Gershon Shaked. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. [H]
De-gendering Jewish music: The survival of the Judeo-Spanish folk song revisited. Music as a representation of gender in Mediterranean cultures.
Musical Sources of the Ladino Folk Song. Pe’amim 76.
Encyclopedia Articles
North-African Jews; Music in Israel; Music in Jewish Religion. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.
Sefardí, Música. Diccionario de la musica española e hispanoamericana.
Israel, Popular Music since 1948; Jewish Music: Liturgical Music, Sephardi
liturgy; Folk Music, contexts of Performance, Judeo-Arabic, Eastern Languages.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Revised edition)
Book Reviews
Andreas Titze and Joseph Yahalom, Ottoman Melodies, Hebrew Hymns: A 16th Century Cross-Cultural Adventure. Budapest 1995. In: Pe’amim 70 (1997), 124-128. [H]
Gila Flam, Singing for Survival: Songs of the Lodz Ghetto 1940-45. Urbana and Chicago 1992. In: Studies in Contemporary Jewry 12 (1996), 349-350.
Elena Romero, La creación literaria en lengua sefardí. Madrid 1992. In: Pe'amim 60 (1994), 152-155. [H]
Amnon Shiloah, The Music of the Iraqi Jews. In: Middle-Eastern Studies
Association Bulletin (December 1984).
In Memoriam: Bathja Bayer (1928-1995). Israel Music Institute News 95/3-4 (1995), 25.
In Memorian: Hanoch Avenary (1908-1994). Musica Judaica 13 (1993/4), 95-97.
In Memorian: Edith Gerson Kiwi (1908-1992). Musica Judaica 12 (1991/2),
Articles in Non-scholarly Journals
The Turkish Makam in the Singing of the Sephardi Jews. Apirion 32 (1994), 41-46. [H]
Islamic Influences on the Music of the Jews. Mahanayim 1 (1991), 116-123. [H]
Orientalische Musik im Aufbruch. Die Zukunft 4 (1990), 15 (with Pamela Kidron).
Who is Afraid of Ethnomusicology? Musica 12 (1988), 6-10. [H]
Yuval: Music Series. Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (1989- ). Vols. 1-6.
Anthology of Music Traditions in Israel. Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (1998- ). Vols 10-12.
Yuval: Studies of the Jewish Music Research Centre, vol. 6: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Jewish Oral Traditions, with Israel Adler, Frank Alvarez-Pereyre and Lea Shalem, 1994.
A Sheaf of Sephardic Romances and Coplas, recordings and transcriptions
by Susana Weich-Shahak, translations to Hebrew by Avner Peretz, Jerusalem,
Renanot, Institute of Jewish Music and the Ministry of Education and Culture,
1991. [H]
Editing and Notes of Released Recordings
Ottoman Hebrew Sacred Songs Performed by Samuel Benaroya. Anthology of Music Traditions in Israel 12 (AMTI 9803). Jerusalem, 1998.
Jewish Spanish Songs of Thessaloniki. Orient Musik (LC 3592 - RIEN CD 14). Berlin, 1998.
Titgadal ve-titkadash betokh Yerushalayim - Gepriesen und geheiligt sei ER inmitten Jerusalems: Jerusalem in Hebrew Prayers and Songs. The Jüdische Gemeinde, Berlin. Wergo, Berlin, 1996.
Chants judeo-espagnols de la Mediterraneé orientale. Series: Inedit, W 260054. Maison des Cultures du Monde, Paris, 1994.
Jüdische Lebenswelten - Patterns of Jewish Life. Selections: 500 Years of Sephardic-Oriental Mysticism and Liturgical Song and A Treasury of Judeo-Spanish Folksongs, Wergo 281604-2. Berlin, 1993.
500 Years of Sephardic Song and Prayer (Selection of Sephardic songs
and explanatory notes in the educational kit Exile 1492). Jerusalem, The
Ben-Zvi Institute, 1991.
Compositions performed in public
1990 Rapsodia tetuaní for violin and piano.
1988 Five Sephardi Wedding Songs from Bulgaria (orchestral version).
1988 Bedwin Music for flute and oboe.
1981 Three Sephardi Love Songs from Salonika for voice and two flutes.
1980 Bitain Hamdan for flute.
1980 Five Sephardi Wedding Songs from Bulgaria for voice and piano.
Lectures in professional conferences
Endowned and keynote addresses
Sound and music of the traditional synagogue. Keynote Address, Second International Conference on Jewish Music, City University, London.
Sepharad in Ashkenaz. International Conference Voice of Ashkenaz, Jewish Theological Seminary/Hebrew Union College, New York City.
Popular music in Israel: The first fifty years. The Harold and Adele Lieberman Lecture on Jewish Music, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Sephardic music: Myths and realities. The David H. Alhadeff Memorial Lecture, Ezra Bessarot Sephardi Congregation, Seattle.
International conferences
Fuentes musicales del cancionero sefardí. Sixth Conference of the European Union of Jewish Studies, Toledo, Spain.
De-gendering Jewish music: The survival of the Judeo-Spanish folk song revisited. Music as a representation of gender in Mediterranean cultures, Venice, Italy
From court and tarikat to the synagogue: Jewish music in the Ottoman Empire, Music and Tawassuf in the Ottoman Empire, The Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul.
Music of the traditional Jewish liturgy: New perspectives. Thirty-fourth Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music, Nitra, Slovakia.
The singing of the Piyyut in the Ottoman Empire after Rabbi Israel Najara. Twelveth World Conference of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.
The “East” in the popular music of Israel, Sixteenth Conference of the International Musicological Society, Imperial College, London.
The liturgical music of the Sephardi Jews: East and West. Tenth British Conference of Judeo-Spanish Literature, Queen Mary College, London.
The sacred songs of Rabbi Moshe Zacut: Their singing in the past and present. International Conference on Rabbi Moshe Zacut, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva.
The invention of the song in Ladino. Annual Conference of the American Association of Jewish Studies, Boston.
La música arábigo-andaluza en manuscritos hebreos. Relations judéo-musulmanes au Maroc: Perceptions et realités. Marrakesh/Paris.
The singing of the Sephardi piyyut in Cochin (India). International Conference on Sacred Hebrew Poetry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan.
Livorno: A juncture in the history of Sephardic liturgical music, Jews Around the Mediterranean 1550-1850, Bar-Ilan University.
Sacred singing and Ottoman music among the Jews of Salonika, International
Conference on the Jews of Salonika, Bar-Ilan University.
Jewish music or music in Judaism?, Annual Conference of the American
Association for Jewish Studies.
Documenting music in Israel, Documenting Israel, Harvard University.
Beautifying worship: Music in early Reform synagogues in Northern Germany (ca. 1810-1840) and its antecedents, Conference of the Internationalle Fasch Gesselschaft, Zerbst, Germany.
La música sefardí en el Imperio Otomano: Nuevas fuentes literarias, Simposi international sobre cultura sefardita, University of Barcelona, Barcelona.
The concept of Lahan in Sephardic liturgical music, Fifteenth Congress of the International Musicological Society, Madrid.
Change and continuity in the liturgical music of the Turkish synagogue in Vienna, Spanisches und Spaniolisches Judentum, Vienna/Einsenstadt, Austria.
On the music of the Sephardi synagogues in Italy (16th to19th centuries), Fourth International Conference of Misgav Yerushalaim, Institute for the Investigation of the Sephardi and Oriental Jewry, Jerusalem.
The Sulzerian model in the Sephardi community in Vienna, International Conference: A Voice for our Time, The Legacy of Salomon Sulzer, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York City.
El legado español en la música sefardí: Estado de la cuestión, Congreso international sobre Las Tres Culturas, Medina del Campo, Spain.
Between the Eastern and Western Mediterranean: Sephardic music after the expulsion from Spain and Portugal, International Conference of the Mediterranean Historical Society, Tel-Aviv University.
From the notebook of a 17th-Century Sephardic cantor: R. Joseph Shalom Gallego and his book Imrei No’am, International Conference on Hebrew Poetry in Spain and Its Influences, Bar-Ilan Univeristy.
Sephardi music: State of research, International Congress: The Heritage of the Jews from Spain: Study and Instruction, Levinsky College, Tel-Aviv.
Shirei Eretz Israel and the beginnings of popular music in Israel, Fifth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Berlin.
The realignment of the Israeli society as reflected in popular music: The case of Hayyim Moshe, Colloquium: 1789-1989, Music, History, Democracy, Fourth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Paris.(with Jeff Halper and Pamela Squires-Kidron)
Between research and cultural introspection: Ethnomusicology in Israel,
British-Swedish Ethnomusicology Conference, Cambridge, Great Britain.
The growth of the Judeo-Spanish folksong repertory in the 20th Century,
Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.
The relation between the Turkish makam and Sephardi music in the singing of Rabbi Isaac Algazi, Third International Congress of Misgav Yerushalaim, Institute for the Investigation of the Sephardi and Oriental Jewry, Jerusalem.
Musica mizrakhit: ethnicity and class culture in Israel, with Jeff Halper and Pamela Squires-Kidron, George Herzog International Forum for Socio-Musicological Sciences, Tel Aviv.
Politics, ethnic identity and music in the singing of baqqashot among Moroccan Jews in Israel, Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Tallahassee, Florida.
National conferences
In search of the musical unity of the Jewish people: the work of A.Z. Idelsohn revisited. Annual Meeting of the Israel Folklore Society, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
From “Morenica” to “Sheharhoret”: Ladino songs in the Israeli folk song repertoire. 100 Years of Israeli Culture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The fate of the Ladino song in Israel. Annual Meeting of the Israel Folklore Society. Bar-Ilan University.
Issues and concepts in the research of Sephardic music, Colloquim: Issues in the Study of Music History, Tel Aviv University.
Alberto Hemsi: Composer and researcher, 32th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Jewish Music Renanot, Jerusalem.
New directions in the research of the Sephardi folksong of the last generations, Symposium: Ladino Literature in Song and Prose, Bar-Ilan University.
I. E. Navon and the rise of the Israeli folk song, 31th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Jewish Music Renanot, Jerusalem.
The life of R. Isaac Algazi, 30th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Jewish Music Renanot, Jerusalem.
The use of notated sources in Jewish music research, 29th Annual Conference of the Institute for Jewish Music Renanot, Jerusalem.
Liturgical music in the Sephardi community in Vienna, ca. 1880, Annual Meeting of the Israel Musicological Society, Jerusalem.
Language and cultural understanding in ethnomusicological research, Annual Meeting of the Southern California Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Santa Barbara, California.
Historical aspects of the singing of baqqashot among Moroccan Jews, Annual Meeting of the Israel Musicological Society, Tel-Aviv.
Musical aspects of the Lag Baomer festival in Meron, Colloquium of Ethnomusicology Students in Israel sponsored by the Israel Musicological Society.
Eduard Birnbaum: The researcher and his collection, 20th Annual Conference of the Institute for Religious Music, Jerusalem.
Introduction to Sephardi Culture , Undergraduate course at UCLA, 1998/99
Music in Sephardi Jewish Culture , Seminar at UCLA, 1998/99
Music in
Judaism and in Islam, Seminar at UCLA, 1998/99